RFR(s): 8169002: [TESTBUG] Several java/net/httpclient have undeclared dependency on java.logging module
Sergei Kovalev
sergei.kovalev at oracle.com
Thu Nov 3 10:26:20 UTC 2016
Beside of listed in the review tests there are another tests in the
folder. In case I'd update TEST.properties the not listed tests also
will get unnecessary dependency from java.logging.
With best regards,
> On 1 Nov 2016, at 18:40, Roger Riggs <Roger.Riggs at oracle.com
> <http://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo/net-dev>> wrote:
> >//>/Hi, />//>/Ok, leave the logging in. (There are currently 3 issues marked as
> intermittent that refer to httpclient). />//>/Roger />//>/p.s. I'm also a fan of using the TEST.properties for test directives
> that apply to multiple tests />/in a directory. In this case, "modules = java.logging”. /
> If I understand correctly, the list of ‘modules' in TEST.properties is only used
> if the test does not explicitly have any @modules tags. So, if you want any
> specific exports, or modules, then you need to specify them all.
> -Chris.
> >//>/On 11/1/2016 2:34 PM, Daniel Fuchs wrote: />>/Hi Roger, />>//>>/I think we agree :-) />>//>>/On 01/11/16 18:01, Roger Riggs wrote: />>>/Hi Daniel, />>>//>>>/It seemed useful to be able to run the test in as many environments as />>>/possible />>>/though realistically java.util.logging may be there too. />>>//>>>/I don't see that setting the logging levels is intrinsic to the tests />>>/and would be used />>>/for debugging so perhaps that function can be dropped or configured
> via the />>>/java.util.logging.config.file system property if/when needed. />>//>>/For the java.util.logging.config.file system property to work then />>/you would need java.logging to be linked in - so if you do want />>/a test to spit out logging traces then you should require java.logging />>/in @modules - whether you use logging.properties or programmatic />>/interface to configure logging. />>//>>/So it all depends on how useful said traces are when investigating />>/a test failure. If a test is known to fail intermittently and />>/test failure would be very difficult to analyze without the logging />>/traces then the test should probably require and configure java.logging />>/upfront. />>//>>/Otherwise I agree you might want to remove the useless code, unless />>/you do want to validate that no NPE or else happen while logging... />>//>>/best regards, />>//>>/-- daniel />>//>>//>>>//>>>/$.02, Roger />>>//>>>//>>>//>>>/On 11/1/2016 1:53 PM, Daniel Fuchs wrote: />>>>/Hi Roger, />>>>//>>>>/On 01/11/16 17:21, Roger Riggs wrote: />>>>>/Hi Sergei, />>>>>//>>>>>/I think it would be preferable to convert the tests to use />>>>>/System.getLogger. />>>>>/Is that possible? />>>>//>>>>/Some of the tests want to configure the logging, rather />>>>/than simply produce traces - so they will need java.logging />>>>/to do that: />>>>//>>>>/670 Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("com.sun.net.httpserver"); />>>>/671 ConsoleHandler ch = new ConsoleHandler(); />>>>/672 logger.setLevel(Level.ALL); />>>>/673 ch.setLevel(Level.ALL); />>>>/674 logger.addHandler(ch); />>>>//>>>>/It's recommended to use System.Logger to log messages, />>>>/but you will have to use java.util.logging if you want to configure />>>>/the logging framework. Of course a library shouldn't do that, />>>>/but a test is well in its right to configure logging to make />>>>/sure the traces will appear in the log. />>>>/Unless you do want to run the test in a VM that does not have />>>>/java.logging linked in. />>>>//>>>>/cheers, />>>>//>>>>/-- daniel />>>>//>>>>//>>>>>//>>>>>/Thanks, Roger />>>>>//>>>>>//>>>>>/On 11/1/2016 1:15 PM, Sergei Kovalev wrote: />>>>>>/Hello all, />>>>>>//>>>>>>/Please review a small fix for tests. />>>>>>//>>>>>>/BugID: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8169002 />>>>>>/WebRev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~skovalev/8169002/webrev.00/
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eskovalev/8169002/webrev.00/> />>>>>>//>>>>>>/Issue: Several tests from java/net/httpclient folder have undeclared />>>>>>/dependency on java.logging module. This issue leads the test to fail />>>>>>/in case module limitation. />>>>>>/Solution: added module declaration into jtreg header and organized />>>>>>/imports. /
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