RFR 8168374: TsacertOptionTest.java fails on all platforms

Wang Weijun weijun.wang at oracle.com
Thu Oct 20 04:21:25 UTC 2016

Please review this test change:

diff --git a/test/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/TsacertOptionTest.java b/test/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/TsacertOptionTest.java
--- a/test/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/TsacertOptionTest.java
+++ b/test/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/TsacertOptionTest.java
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
  * @library /lib/testlibrary warnings
  * @modules java.base/sun.security.pkcs
  *          java.base/sun.security.timestamp
+ *          java.base/sun.security.tools.keytool
  *          java.base/sun.security.util
  *          java.base/sun.security.x509
  *          java.management

TsacertOptionTest.java references another file TimestampCheck.java which uses a class in this private package, and compilation fails.

Unfortunately JPRT has not caught this because TimestampCheck.java was executed earlier (which itself is also a @test and includes the property @modules line).



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