RFR: 8179370: Replace use of <tt>, <center> and <font> tags in java.base

Joseph D. Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Thu Apr 27 00:55:49 UTC 2017

Hi Jon,

I'd prefer if the "<tt>foo</tt>" were replaced with "{@code tt}" rather 
than "<code>foo</code>"- none of the tricky cases which preclude use of 
{@code } use seem to be present here - but will approve the changeset in 
its current form too.



On 4/26/2017 5:50 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> Please review these mostly simple changes to replace HTML tags which 
> are not valid in HTML 5 in public doc comments in java.base.
> As with the previous changes, the changes were done mechanically, 
> using the following sed script:
> s|<tt>|<code>|g
> s|</tt>|</code>|g
> s|<\\/tt>|<\\/code>|g
> s|\(<td[^>]*\)><center>\([^<]*\)</center>|\1 
> style="text-align:center">\2|
> s|<center><table |<div style="text-align:center"><table 
> style="margin:0 auto" |
> s|</center>|</div>|
> s|<font |<span |
> s|</font>|</span>|
> The unusual form of the 3rd line was to cover the occurrence in a 
> makefile.
> The 4th line is specific for DataInput.java, and replaces <center> 
> within a <td> with a style on the <td> element itself.
> The 5th and 6th lines are specific to URLConnection. The use of the 
> table itself and the ASCII art that follows it are questionable, but 
> the intent here is just to update the HTML and not to rework the 
> visual appearance of the generated documentation.
> The changes cover files in the following packages:
> java.base java/io
> java.base java/net
> java.base java/util
> java.base javax/net/ssl
> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8179370
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjg/8179370/webrev/
> -- Jon

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