JCA design for RFC 7748

Adam Petcher adam.petcher at oracle.com
Wed Aug 16 14:02:39 UTC 2017

On 8/15/2017 5:29 PM, Anders Rundgren wrote:

> Does this mean that the following is correct?
> EC public key:
> public interface ECPublicKey
> extends PublicKey, ECKey
> CFRG/RFC 7748 public key:
> public class TheActualImplememtationClass
> extends PublicKey, ByteArrayKey

Basically, yes. My latest prototype has something like:
class XDHPublicKeyImpl extends X509Key implements ByteArrayKey, PublicKey

So it supports X.509 encoding through getEncoded(), and raw encoding 
through ByteArrayKey. But perhaps ByteArrayKey and X.509 encoding is not 
necessary---see Xuelei's latest suggestion on this thread related to this.

> If so, it should work. Documentation seems a bit less obvious though
> which is why I advocated a more direct approach.
> Cheers,
> Anders

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