RFR: JDK-8159544: Remove deprecated classes in com.sun.security.auth.**

Jan Lahoda jan.lahoda at oracle.com
Fri Aug 18 12:31:47 UTC 2017

For the langtools change, I think we shouldn't remove the entries from 
the include.list. This list defines which packages/classes should and 
should not be available when compiling for previous versions of the 
platform using --release. The removed entries are exclude entries, so if 
removed, it would mean the classes should be available when compiling 
for previous platform versions, which is not the intent, I think.

Maybe adding a comment (or a JBS entry) that these should be cleaned up 
when --release is no longer supporting 9?


On 17.8.2017 21:08, Sean Mullan wrote:
> Please review this JDK 10 change to remove the deprecated classes in
> com.sun.security.auth.** that have been previously marked with
> forRemoval=true in JDK 9.
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mullan/webrevs/8159544/
> I have also copied Jan for reviewing a change in langtools, and also
> build-dev for a change to one of the JDK Makefiles.
> Thanks,
> Sean

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