RFR 8189131: Open-source the Oracle JDK Root Certificates

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Dec 1 17:22:29 UTC 2017

On 01/12/2017 17:16, Volker Simonis wrote:
> Hi Rajan,
> great to see this finally happen!
> I have just a quick question related to the tests. As far as I can
> see, the tests will only succeed if the OpenJDK will be build with the
> new open sourced, Oracle root certificates. But what if somebody is
> building the OpenJDK with his own set of root certificates (by using
> the --with-cacerts-file option)? Do you see any possibility of
> restricting these tests only to builds which used the original,
> checked in cacerts file?
If needed, you could add a keyword (@key tag) on these tests, or any 
tests that depend on the OpenJDK cacerts file, so can you control if the 
tests are run or not.


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