Need help with porting stuff out of classDepth

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Dec 18 16:43:09 UTC 2017

On 18/12/2017 16:28, Fridrich Strba wrote:
> Hello, good people,
> After removing some deprecated SecurityManager methods in jdk10, I am
> trying to build libbluray, but there is this snippet that obviously is
> broken with jdk10:
classDepth has been deprecated since 1.2 (1998) so it's surprising to 
see a security manager still using it.

It this just old code or is there a good reason why it works this way? 
It probably could be modified to use the StackWalker API but it would be 
brittle (as it is now). I guess I would have expected to see it calling 
checkPermission as it seems to do for the modifyThreadGroup target.


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