RFR 8173410: Add commented config line for jdk.security.provider.preferred

Anthony Scarpino anthony.scarpino at oracle.com
Tue Feb 7 20:07:16 UTC 2017

As I mentioned below, the RMI entry was merged from a closed repo into 
the middle of the disabled algorithms section.  It was the merger's 
fault for not paying attention.  I'm just trying to fix the problem..


On 02/07/2017 11:21 AM, Bradford Wetmore wrote:
> Thanks for making the comment formating consistent.
> Why did you move the RMI Registry Serial Filter?  Offhand, this seems
> gratuitous, and will make ift more difficult for folks trying to
> maintain a single or slightly modified java.security across release
> families.
> Looks good otherwise.
> Brad
> On 2/6/2017 11:26 AM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:
>> Please review this change for Solaris SPARC configurations to add an
>> optional configuration line.
>> There are a few minor changes which didn't change any content.  Changing
>> some "#"'s for a bit more consistency and readability across the file.
>> Also moving an RMI entry to the end that was merged right in the middle
>> of the disabled algorithms section.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ascarpino/8173410/webrev/
>> thanks
>> Tony

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