RFR: 8160655 Fix denyAfter and usage types for security properties

Anthony Scarpino anthony.scarpino at oracle.com
Wed Feb 8 01:09:16 UTC 2017

I believe all comments are addressed in the below link


Everything I didn't comment on inline below was because I hadn't posted 
an update-to-date webrev.01 at that time.


On 02/06/2017 12:17 PM, Sean Mullan wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> Here are my comments on the latest webrev:
> * SignerInfo.java
>  355                 try {
>  356                     JAR_DISABLED_CHECK.permits(digestAlgname,
> cparams);
>  357                 } catch (CertPathValidatorException e) {
>  358                     throw new SignatureException(e.getMessage(), e);
>  359                 }
> It's a little odd this throws a CPVE because there is no certificate
> being checked here.

In offline discussions this will have to remain for now.

> * AlgorithmChecker.java
> 278         String currSigAlg = ((X509Certificate)cert).getSigAlgName();
> Just use x509cert.getSigAlgName() instead.
> * SignatureFileVerifier.java
> 145         System.err.println("key = " + name + " == name " + name);
> leftover debug?
>  265     // Algorithms that have been checked if they are weak.
>  266     private Map<String, Boolean> permittedAlgs= new HashMap<>();
>  267     // TSA timestamp of signed jar.  The newest timestamp is used.
>  If there was
>  268     // no TSA timestamp used when signed, current time is used
> ("null").
>  269     private Timestamp timestamp = null;
> can you move these lines up to the top of the class where other
> variables are declared?
>  // Algorithms that have been checked if they are weak.
>  266     private Map<String, Boolean> permittedAlgs= new HashMap<>();
> It might be better to have a Map<String, List<String>> where the key is
> the header (*-DIGEST*) and the value is a list of weak algs. This way
> you could avoid the need for the getWeakAlgorithms method and just get
> the weak list of algs out of the map directly. An empty list or null
> value would indicate the header is ok.
> 302         /* Look for the latest timestamp in the signature block */
> s/the latest timestamp/the latest timestamp or no timestamp/

I changed the comment in a way that I think is more descriptive.

> * java.security
> Missing spaces between words on lines 646-648 (ex: algorithmin)
> * Main.java
> 640     void  rey verifyJar(String jarName)
> typo?
> * PKIXExtendedParameters.java
> Update class description to reflect this contains more than a timestamp.
> --Sean
> On 1/30/17 6:57 PM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:
>> On 01/23/2017 03:27 PM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I need a code review of this change that brings more detail constraints
>>> checking and control to certpath and jar disabled algorithm Security
>>> properties.
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ascarpino/8160655/webrev/
>>> thanks
>>> Tony
>> Updated review
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ascarpino/8160655/webrev.01/
>> It address the comments and has a different SignatureFileVerifier.java
>> Tony

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