RFR 8168410: Multiple JCK tests are failing due to SecurityException is not thrown.

Weijun Wang weijun.wang at oracle.com
Thu Feb 16 08:50:22 UTC 2017

On 02/14/2017 11:55 PM, Sean Mullan wrote:
> Hi Max,
> I agree this change is necessary so that we can resolve this tck-red
> issue before ZBB. However, since the TCK Policy provider implementation
> is not a "typical" implementation in the sense that it is denying
> permissions instead of granting permissions, I think we should continue
> to explore if there are any better options post-ZBB.

Some JAXP tests fail [1] after this code change, and I believe the case 
there -- permission on ${user.dir}/- granted, access base name without 
directory -- is the most popular one we want to support. But I cannot 
think of any solution that could make the TCK tests pass.


[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8175043

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