RFR 8172422: jarsigner needs to understand -?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Jan 16 09:37:10 UTC 2017

On 16/01/2017 01:41, Weijun Wang wrote:
> Please review the code change at
>    http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/8172529/webrev.02
> The validator is updated to be a PKIXValidator of the 
> Validator.VAR_CODE_SIGNING variant. In order to have the same output 
> message and exit code as before, the ValidatorException thrown when 
> validation fails is suppressed when there are existing error flags for 
> several reasons.
> *jigsaw-dev*: The following change is made in java.base/module-info.java:
> +    exports sun.security.validator to
> +        jdk.jartool;
That part looks okay to me although at some point we need to go over 
every one of these qualified exports with a view to removing as many of 


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