RFR 10 (XS): 8184673: Fix compatibility issue in AlgorithmChecker for 3rd party JCE providers

Anthony Scarpino anthony.scarpino at oracle.com
Sun Jul 16 16:52:14 UTC 2017

> On Jul 14, 2017, at 12:01 PM, Langer, Christoph <christoph.langer at sap.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> From: Anthony Scarpino [mailto:anthony.scarpino at oracle.com]
>> I'm working on a test so we avoid this in the future.
> OK, so, shall I submit the fix and you do the test in a separate issue? Or shall I wait and let you do it altogether?
> With my limited expertise in the security area, I would not have a better idea for a test than to ask iaik if we could use their binary. Or can you write a dummy provider or modify the sun provider in a certain way?
> Thanks
> Christoph

The test will have to go back at a later time as a separate issue.


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