RFR 8176296: Test sun/security/krb5/auto/Basic.java faling after adding module declaration into TEST.properties.

Weijun Wang weijun.wang at oracle.com
Tue Mar 7 14:10:22 UTC 2017

Please review this changeset at


It looks with jdk.security.jgss added into @modules in TEST.properties 
(JDK-8176213), it cannot be exclude using --limit-modules.

Therefore I split Basic.java into 2 and the new test has its own 
@modules tag.

In case you don't remember this test, it was about the Oracle JGSS-API 
extension. If the jdk.security.jgss module is available, the GSSContext 
implementation is ExtendedGSSContextImpl inside this module that can do 
more than GSSContextImpl defined in java.security.jgss (which will be 
returned when jdk.security.jgss is not available).


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