RFR of 8177683: Suppress lint removal warnings in jdk.security and jdk.policytool

joe darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Tue Mar 28 01:09:59 UTC 2017


The jdk.security and jdk.policytool modules use various APIs that are 
deprecated for removal. Until the types in question are actually 
removed, the lint removal warnings should be suppressed in support of 
having a warnings-free build. Please review the webrev:


(This issue is a subtask of JDK-8177553: Address removal lint warnings 
in the JDK build. I'd prefer to get JDK-8177553 addressed in JDK 9; 
however, if that is not approved as part of rampdown 2, I'll push the 
associated changes to JDK 10.)



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