Code Review Request: JDK-6491070 (Support for RFC 5929-Channel Bindings)

Martin Balao mbalao at
Mon Oct 23 13:45:08 UTC 2017

Hi Xuelei,

I would like to propose Webrev 03:

(browse online)

What's new in Webrev 03:

 * New interface to expose Finished messages verify data handshake material
(from both client and server) through a HandshakeListener. It's now up to
the API client to figure out which is the tls-unique binding value from
that data. is an example of how to use the
proposed API.

 * The new API allows disabling renegotiations (TLS handshake protocol).

 * Added HandshakeCompletedListener to SSLEngine as in SSLSocket. It's
necessary to be able to get the server certificate used on a handshake for
the certificate binding value.

 * HandshakeListener and HandshakeCompletedListener could be merged into
HandshakeCompletedListener, but I think the name "Completed" does not fit
-particularly for the callback that gets rid of renegotiations-. Obviously
renaming HandshakeCompletedListener to HandshakeListener would be a major
and breaking API change.

 * updated to the new API.

I've done testing running the following test categories and didn't notice
any regression:

 * javax/net/ssl
 * sun/security/ssl

Look forward to your comments.

Kind regards,

On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 10:32 PM, Xuelei Fan < at> wrote:

> The failure-and-retry mechanism could a nightmare for some applications.
> Please think more how could we avoid it.  If need more APIs, what the
> update may looks like and how complicated it could be?
> If required, Bernd's proposal can be extended a little bit to support
> operations other than listening.
> APIs maintain is very complicated, a good design may need more time
> currently, but could save much more in the future.
> Thanks,
> Xuelei
> On 8/31/2017 11:41 AM, Martin Balao wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The material is already cached in the handshaker if secure renegotiation
>> is enabled. However, I agree with you that we are going to cache the value
>> even when secure renegotiation is not enabled, thus, wasting roughly 12
>> bytes (as bytes for an empty array are already consumed). In fact, the
>> exact case -adding a few conditionals to webrev.02- is the one in which
>> secure renegotiation is disabled and extended master secret is enabled.
>> GnuTls and OpenSSL -including its derivatives like Boring SSL and Python
>> (through OpenSSL)- always cache this information.
>> As for the empty / null cases, the API consumer was expected to ask for
>> the binding information after the TLS connection is established. It's on
>> the API consumer knowledge that asking for the information before (i.e.:
>> just after creating a disconnected socket) or while the handshake is taking
>> place, makes no sense and no valid value will be obtained (either we define
>> this as null or empty). For those providers that do not support this
>> feature, the information wouldn't have been available after the handshake.
>> However, I agree with you that before the handshake is completed there is
>> no means of knowing if the provider does support this API. My first webrev
>> (webrev.01) was throwing an UnsupportedOperationException to make this case
>> explicit but I had doubts regarding the real value it provides for the API
>> consumer. The proposed API was similar to Python, SSLBoring and GnuTLs.
>> However, handshake listener callbacks -as Bernd suggests- and the idea of
>> just exposing the handshake material (as a lower level API) sounds good to
>> me. I can give it a try. I propose then to bring the handshake information
>> as part of a HandshakeCompletedEvent instance, even though the callback
>> registrant may not consume it. Would that work for you?
>> In regard to the handshake material update -which I assumed unlikely-,
>> the point in which a renegotiation may take place (from the server side) is
>> when reading data, not when writing. That cannot be controlled by the
>> application because it's JSSE internal and not exposed. Thus, an
>> application may read from the socket, get the handshake material and write
>> a message using the binding value -which we can make sure that is the valid
>> one at that point-. However, as soon as the application reads again from
>> the socket, a renegotiation -if requested by the client- may be processed
>> and the binding value gets updated. The higher level protocol may fail
>> -because the binding value was already sent but not processed on the other
>> side- and a re-try needed. This looks independent of whether we use the
>> originally proposed API or the handshake listener callback interface (or
>> even a sync callback), because the underlying problem is that the
>> application cannot really control the renegotiation flow in the lower layer
>> (as RFC 5929 suggest). The options I see are adding more complexity to the
>> API and let the application control the renegotiation flow or live with
>> that and expect the application to retry.
>> Thanks,
>> Martin.-
>> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 4:34 PM, Xuelei Fan < at
>> < at>> wrote:
>>     On 8/26/2017 2:56 PM, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
>>     > How about only passing it to an extended handshake listener. The
>>     > material does not have to be cached (the app can do it if needed)
>> and
>>     > renegotiation works the same way. This can also be helpful for
>> things
>>     > like logging the master secret (for wireshark decryption). It can
>> even
>>     > handle auditing of session resumptions
>>     Martin, what do you think about Bernd's proposal above and similar
>>     callback mechanism?
>>     More comment inlines.
>>     On 8/29/2017 11:50 AM, Martin Balao wrote:
>>         Hi Xuelei,
>>           >There are a few protocols that can benefits from exporting
>>         SSL/TLS handshake materials, including RFC 5929, RFC 5056, token
>>         binding and TLS 1.3 itself.  Can we define a general API so as
>>         to exposing the handshake materials, so as to mitigate the
>>         inflating of JSSE APIs?  I may suggest make further evaluation
>>         before move on to following design and code.
>>         Do you prefer an API like "public byte[]
>>         getTlsHandshakeMaterial(String materialType)" (in SSLSocket and
>>         SSLEngine) where "materialType" can eventually be
>>         "clientFinishedMessage"/"finishedMessage" or
>>         "serverFinishedMessage"/"peerFinishedMessage"?
>>     The problem of the APIs like that is, when applications call the
>>     method, it is not always return the expected result, and the
>>     implementation may have to cache the message even if an application
>>     never use it.  See more in the following example.
>>         I cannot think of "serverCertificate" or "masterKey" as this is
>>         more related to a Session and not neccessarily to a handshake.
>>         getTlsHandshakeMaterial would be a lower level API and would
>>         move the burden of knowing which information is required for
>>         "tls-unique" TLS channel binding to the API consumer. Looks more
>>         like the OpenSSL approach (instead of the Python, SSLBoring or
>>         GnuTls approaches). However, OpenSSL have specific methods for
>>         each piece of information instead of a generic and parametrized
>>         one. I.e.: SSL_get_finished or SSL_get_peer_finished. What other
>>         information do you expect the Handshaker to provide?
>>           >The SunJSSE provider happens to cache the finished messages
>>         in its implementation so you can use it for tls-unique, but it
>>         may not be true for other provider or other channel bindings.
>>      Need to define a more reliable approach to get the handshake
>>         materials.
>>         I focused on SunJSSE provider. I'm not sure about how other
>>         providers may implement this API and where they can get the
>>         required information from, without knowing their internals. In
>>         regard to SunJSSE and "tls-unique" binding type, I leveraged on
>>         existing data. If data weren't already there, I would have to
>>         figure out how to get it from the handshake -doing the same that
>>         was already done would have been an option-. Do you prefer the
>>         Handshaker to provide a function to get different information
>>         and not just the finished hash? (as for the public
>>         SSLSocket/SSLEngine "getTlsHandshakeMaterial" API). Which other
>>         information may be useful to get from the Handshaker? What do
>>         you mean by reliable? (given that this is all SunJSSE internal
>>         and we have no external dependencies).
>>     Let consider the use of the API.
>>         byte[] getTlsChannelBinding("tls_unique");
>>     I'm confusing when I try to use it by myself:
>>     1. provider does not implement this method
>>         return null or empty?
>>     It happens because an old provider should still work in new JDK, but
>>     old provider does not implement new APIs, or a new provider does not
>>     support this feature.
>>     2. the method is called before handshaking
>>         return null or empty?
>>     3. the method is called during handshaking
>>         return null, empty or the channel binding value?
>>     4. the method is called at the same time the handshaking completed?
>>         return the channel binding value?
>>     5. the method is called after the handshaking
>>         return the channel binding value?
>>     6. the method is called during renegoitation
>>         return null, empty, the old binding value, or the new binding
>> value?
>>     7. the method is called after handshaking
>>         return old binding value, or the new binding value?
>>     8. the method is called after the initial handshaking, but the
>>     binding value is changed shortly after because of renegotiation.
>>         how could application use the binding value?
>>     We need a clear define of the behavior of the method.  It could be
>>     complicated if the method is designed as
>>     getTlsChannelBinding("tls_unique").
>>     I feel that handshake material should be captured when
>>     1. it is requested to capture the handshake material, and
>>     2. the handshake material get produced.
>>     For the getTlsChannelBinding("tls_unique") API, it is unknown:
>>     1. Is it required to capture the handshake material?
>>     2. Is the handshake material produced?
>>     The two points could result in a few unexpected problems, as the
>>     above 8 items that we may want to consider.
>>         In regard to other channel bindings, it'll depend on the binding
>>         type the way in which the information is obtained. I.e.:
>>         "tls-unique" SunJSSE implementation leverages on cached finished
>>         messages. However, "tls-server-end-point" leverages on stored
>>         certificates that are obtained from the Session (not from the
>>         handshaker). Is there any specific channel binding you are
>>         concerned with?
>>           >If the channel binding is not required, it may be not
>>         necessary to expose the handshake materials.  Need to define a
>>         solution to indicate the need of the exporting.
>>         Do you mean a lower layer knowing if the upper layer is going to
>>         require that information and decide to provide it or not based
>>         on that knowledge? I think I didn't get your point here.
>>     I mean, if an application want to support channel binding, the
>>     provider can provider the channel binding service;  If the an
>>     application does not want channel binding, the provider should be
>>     perform the channel binding service.  The getTlsChannelBinding()
>>     make the provider MUST perform channel binding cache or calculation
>>     no matter application want it or not.
>>           >2. No way to know the update of the underlying handshake
>>         materials.
>>           >If renegotiation can takes place, need to define a interface
>>         to indicate that so that application can response accordingly.
>>      See section 3 and 7 of RFC 5929.
>>         I intentionally skipped this -at the cost of a spurious
>>         authentication- to avoid adding complexity to the API. An
>>         spurious authentication -which does not appear likely to me- can
>>         easily be retried by the application. The RFC 5929 suggests APIs
>>         through which the application can *control* the flow (i.e.: hold
>>         a renegotitation). This would expose JSSE internals. This is
>>         more than notifying. Notification, in my opinion, adds no value:
>>         what if the application already used the binding token before
>>         receiving the notification? The spurious authentication will
>>         happen anyways and has to be handled -i.e. retried-. It's just a
>>         timing issue. The real value is controlling the flow as the RFC
>>         suggests, but at the cost of exposing JSSE internals.
>>     My understanding, the block of the protocol is to make sure
>>     application is performing the channel binding with the right value,
>>     or updating the value accordingly if necessary.  If you skip this
>>     and when renegotiation happen, the channel binding could be limited,
>>     or may not work as expected.
>>     Thanks,
>>     Xuelei
>>         Kind regards,
>>         Martin.-
>>         On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 5:25 PM, Xuelei Fan
>>         < at < at>
>>         < at < at>>>
>>         wrote:
>>              Hi Marin,
>>              Sorry for the delay.
>>              There are a few protocols that can benefits from exporting
>>         SSL/TLS
>>              handshake materials, including RFC 5929, RFC 5056, token
>>         binding and
>>              TLS 1.3 itself.  Can we define a general API so as to
>>         exposing the
>>              handshake materials, so as to mitigate the inflating of
>>         JSSE APIs?     I may suggest make further evaluation before move
>>         on to following
>>              design and code.
>>               >
>> 91070/webrev.02/
>>         <
>> 491070/webrev.02/>
>>                     <
>> gehwolf/webrevs/mbalaoal/JDK-6491070/webrev.02/
>>         <
>> 491070/webrev.02/>>
>>              I have two concerns about the design:
>>              1. Channel binding may be not always required.
>>              SSLSocket/SSLEngine.getTlsChannelBinding(String
>> bindingType);
>>              The SunJSSE provider happens to cache the finished messages
>>         in its
>>              implementation so you can use it for tls-unique, but it may
>>         not be
>>              true for other provider or other channel bindings.  Need to
>>         define a
>>              more reliable approach to get the handshake materials.
>>              If the channel binding is not required, it may be not
>>         necessary to
>>              expose the handshake materials.  Need to define a solution to
>>              indicate the need of the exporting.
>>              2. No way to know the update of the underlying handshake
>>         materials.
>>              If renegotiation can takes place, need to define a interface
>> to
>>              indicate that so that application can response
>>         accordingly.  See
>>              section 3 and 7 of RFC 5929.
>>              Thanks,
>>              Xuelei
>>              On 7/31/2017 8:53 AM, Martin Balao wrote:
>>                  Hi,
>>                  Here it is an update for the proposed TLS Channel
>> Bindings
>>                  support in OpenJDK:
>>                     *
>> 91070/webrev.02/
>>         <
>> 491070/webrev.02/>
>>                         <
>> gehwolf/webrevs/mbalaoal/JDK-6491070/webrev.02/
>>         <
>> 491070/webrev.02/>>
>>                  (browse online)
>>                     *
>> 91070/webrev.02/
>>         <
>> 491070/webrev.02/>
>>                         <
>> gehwolf/webrevs/mbalaoal/JDK-6491070/webrev.02/
>>         <
>> 491070/webrev.02/>>
>>                  (download)
>>                  Changes since v01:
>>                     * getTlsChannelBinding API changed to return null by
>>         default
>>                  (if not implemented), instead of throwing an
>>                  UnsupportedOperationException.
>>                     * "tls-server-end-point" TLS channel binding now
>>         supported.
>>                  Kind regards,
>>                  Martin.-
>>                  On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 4:12 PM, Martin Balao
>>         <mbalao at <mailto:mbalao at>
>>                  <mailto:mbalao at <mailto:mbalao at>>
>>         <mailto:mbalao at <mailto:mbalao at>
>>                  <mailto:mbalao at <mailto:mbalao at>>>>
>>         wrote:
>>                       Hi,
>>                       Here it is my proposal for JDK-6491070 (Support
>>         for RFC
>>                  5929-Channel
>>                       Bindings: e.g. public API to obtain TLS finished
>>         message) [1]:
>>                         *
>> 91070/webrev.01/
>>         <
>> 491070/webrev.01/>
>>                         <
>> gehwolf/webrevs/mbalaoal/JDK-6491070/webrev.01/
>>         <
>> 491070/webrev.01/>>
>>                                     <
>> gehwolf/webrevs/mbalaoal/JDK-6491070/webrev.01/
>>         <
>> 491070/webrev.01/>
>>                         <
>> gehwolf/webrevs/mbalaoal/JDK-6491070/webrev.01/
>>         <
>> 491070/webrev.01/>>>
>>                         *
>> 91070/webrev.01/
>>         <
>> 491070/webrev.01/>
>>                         <
>> gehwolf/webrevs/mbalaoal/JDK-6491070/webrev.01/
>>         <
>> 491070/webrev.01/>>
>>                                     <
>> gehwolf/webrevs/mbalaoal/JDK-6491070/webrev.01/
>>         <
>> 491070/webrev.01/>
>>                         <
>> gehwolf/webrevs/mbalaoal/JDK-6491070/webrev.01/
>>         <
>> 491070/webrev.01/>>>
>>                       Notes:
>>                         * Implementation based on Channel Bindings for
>>         TLS (RFC
>>                  5929) [2]
>>                         * Only "tls-unique" currently supported
>>                       Look forward to your comments.
>>                       Kind regards,
>>                       Martin.-
>>                       --
>>                       [1] -
>>         <>
>>                  <
>>         <>>
>>                       <
>>         <>
>>                  <
>>         <>>>
>>                       [2] -
>>         <>
>>                  <
>>         <>>
>>                       <
>>         <>
>>                  <
>>         <>>>
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