Code Review Request: JDK-8148421 (Extended Master Secret TLS extension)
Martin Balao
mbalao at
Mon Oct 30 13:57:12 UTC 2017
Hi Xuelei,
Webrev 04:
(browse online)
As far as I know, a mechanism for Extended Master Secret has not been
included in PKCS#11 standard (as of v.2.40, which is the current version
[1]). That's why I didn't update P11TlsMasterSecretGenerator class. PKCS#11
standard has mechanisms and data structures for the legacy master key
derivation. As an example, CK_TLS12_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_PARAMS data type has
a CK_SSL3_RANDOM_DATA member which can hold a "server random" and a "client
random" value. That was not intended to hold a "session hash". In regard to
implementations, NSS software token uses the "master secret" legacy label
as a parameter to the "TLS_PRF" function for the following mechanisms:
hardcoded: the client cannot request "extended master secret" label to be
used. It's not intended for Extended Master Secret. NSS software token
includes a custom mechanism for Extended Master Secret
(CKM_NSS_TLS_EXTENDED_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE); that is not part of the PKCS#11
standard but a vendor specific mechanism.
#4 and #5:
Good point! Thanks. That's why I prefer a single return point when
possible -particularly for long functions-. I remember changing this code
block to the end of the function but did not realize the resumption flow.
I assume that you mean to always send the extension in abbreviated
handshakes when "useExtendedMasterSecretExtension" is set to true. But I
have some concerns. If we always send the extension, there may be cases in
which a client that previously negotitatied SSLv3 protocol sends the
extension -which has no meaning, as the extension applies to TLS 1.0+-.
There may be cases in which Extended Master Secret was not used in the
previous full-handshake but the abbreviated handshake is still offered
because of allowUnsafeServerCertChange (see conditions for #2). I think
conditions in #2 are the real/strong check in regard to abbreviated
* jsse.useExtendedMasterSecret does not longer disable the extension on
the server side. Documentation and Release Notes updated (see below).
I'm trying to think of a real-use case for this but sounds weird.
Anyways, done (for both client and server). Documentation and Release Notes
updated (see below).
Sucessfully ran the following regression test categories:
* javax/net/ssl
* sun/security/ssl
Feature documentation (for JSSE Reference Guides [1])
## Extended Master Secret Extension
The Extended Master Secret Extension is a feature that replaces the
algorithm used to derive the *master secret* for a TLS session. The new
algorithm provides a security enhancement to mitigate attacks such as the
[Triple Handshake Attack]( The
Extension is defined by [RFC 7627](
(*Transport Layer Security (TLS) Session Hash and Extended Master Secret
Extension*) and applies to TLS 1.0+.
Clients and servers need to agree on the usage of this extension during the
TLS full handshake, or the previous algorithm is used as a fallback. JSSE
supports and enables the Extension by default on both client and server
sides. However, for compatibility reasons, disabling is possible on the
client side by setting *jsse.useExtendedMasterSecret* system property to
*false* (i.e. through the *-Djsse.useExtendedMasterSecret="false"*
command-line argument).
### How is the new algorithm different than the previous?
The original algorithm uses a PRF function to derive the *master secret*
from the following inputs: *pre-master secret* (result of a previous key
exchange); "master secret" string; and, client and server random values.
The new algorithm replaces the client and server random values with a hash
of the previously exchanged handshake messages. As a result, the session
*hash* contains information from certificates, key exchange parameters and
other handshake-specific values; in addition to the client and server
random numbers. Through binding *master secret* to the connection, an
active man-in-the-middle attacker cannot force the generation of an
identical value in a parallel connection. Thus, values that depend on the
*master secret* for authentication (such as the TLS "tls-unique" binding
value) can be trusted.
### Sessions resumption
The *master secret* for a TLS session is established during a full
handshake. When a session is resumed, the original *master secret* is used
without any further negotiations. However, for checking purposes, Extended
Master Secret Extension messages are exchanged during the abreviated
handshake to indicate that the Extension was used when the original *master
secret* was derived. If the Extension was not used in the original
handshake but is present when resuming, the server moves to a full
handshake. On the other hand, if the Extension was used in the original
handshake but is not present when resuming, both client and server abort
the handshake unless "jsse.allowLegacyResumption" system property is set to
Release note: Extended Master Secret Extension support was added to JSSE
for both client and server sides
The Extended Master Secret Extension for TLS 1.0+ is now supported on JSSE
for both client and server sides. By modifying the algorithm to derive the
session *master secret* (during a full handshake) and binding it to
connection-specific values, attacks such as the [Triple Handshake Attack]( are mitigated.
The extension, enabled by default, can be turned off on the client side by
setting *jsse.useExtendedMasterSecret* system property to *false*.
See further information about the Extension in [RFC 7627]( (*Transport Layer Security (TLS)
Session Hash and Extended Master Secret Extension*).
Kind regards,
[1] -
On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 9:54 AM, Xuelei Fan < at> wrote:
> On 10/17/2017 11:45 AM, Martin Balao wrote:
>> 48421/webrev.03/
> ---------------------------------
> This spec update impacts the PKCS11 implementation too. Please update
> jdk/src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs1
> 1/ as well.
> ----------------------
> Per RFC 7627:
> 1. For full handshaking, a client MUST send the "extended_master_secret"
> extension.
> 2. A client SHOULD NOT offer an abbreviated handshake to resume a session
> that that does not use an extended master secret. Instead, it SHOULD offer
> a full handshake.
> 3. When offering an abbreviated handshake, the client MUST send the
> "extended_master_secret" extension in its ClientHello.
> 4. For abbreviated handshake, if the original session did not use the
> "extended_master_secret" extension but the new ServerHello contains the
> extension, the client MUST abort the handshake.
> 5. For abbreviated handshake, if the original session used the extension
> but the new ServerHello does not contain the extension, the client MUST
> abort the handshake.
> If I'm reading correct, the update in implements #1,
> but missing #2, #4 and #5, and a conditional support of #3.
> For the missing of #4 and #5, it might be mainly caused by that the
> 800-828 lines are put in a place where full handshaking happens.
> Abbreviated handshake return at line 756 and cannot reach line 800.
> For #2, I may suggest combine the extension together with System property
> "jdk.tls.allowUnsafeServerCertChange". If not using extended master
> secret, and not allowUnsafeServerCertChange, and
> useExtendedMasterSecretExtension, do not offer abbreviated handshake.
> Using full handshake instead for TLS 1.0+. Besides, if using the
> extension, don't use the server certificate change checking any more. See
> allowUnsafeServerCertChange comments in
> For #3, I may always send the "extended_master_secret" extension, the
> server side can handle it property, no matter the original session use the
> extension or not.
> -------------------
> 94 private boolean useExtendedMasterSecret;
> 200 void setUseExtendedMasterSecret() {
> 211 boolean getUseExtendedMasterSecret() {
> I may suggest use "final" useExtendedMasterSecret (set during
> construction), so that the set/get methods do not compete against each
> other. Using "final" may need to adjust some source code. Looks like it
> is doable.
> ---------------------
> For safer, as there is no compatibility impact as if the client request
> for the extension, I think we may want to always enable the extension in
> server side. It means the system property "jsse.useExtendedMasterSecret"
> disables the extension in client side only. And the property cannot be
> used to disable server acceptance of the extension.
> Per RFC 7627:
> A. For full handshaking, if a server implementing this document receives
> the "extended_master_secret" extension, it MUST include the extension in
> its ServerHello message.
> B. For abbreviated handshake request, If the original session did not use
> the "extended_master_secret" extension but the new ClientHello contains the
> extension, then the server MUST NOT perform the abbreviated handshake.
> Instead, it SHOULD continue with a full handshake.
> C. For abbreviated handshake request, if the original session used the
> "extended_master_secret" extension but the new ClientHello does not contain
> it, the server MUST abort the abbreviated handshake.
> D. For abbreviated handshake request, if neither the original session nor
> the new ClientHello uses the extension, the server SHOULD abort the
> handshake.
> E. For abbreviated handshake request, if the new ClientHello contains the
> extension and the server chooses to continue the handshake, then the server
> MUST include the "extended_master_secret" extension in its ServerHello
> message.
> If I'm reading correct, the update in implements #A,
> #C and #E, but missing #B and #C.
> For #B, I think it should be fine to follow the spec: continue with a full
> handshake.
> For #C, I was wondering we may need a new system property
> (jsse.allowLegacyResumption?) to turn on/off this behavior. If application
> want a strict mode, the server abort the abbreviated handshake for case
> #C. Otherwise, the server can continue with an abbreviated handshake in
> order to support legacy resumption.
> Hope it helps!
> Regards,
> Xuelei
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