Patch for JDK-6695402: Jarsigner with multi-byte characters in class names

Philipp Kunz philipp.kunz at
Tue Sep 19 23:41:03 UTC 2017

Hello Vincent

Here may be the fix for JDK-6695402. First a test.

BEGIN /jdk10/jdk/test/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/
  * Copyright (c) 1999, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  * accompanied this code).
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  * or visit if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.

  * @test
  * @bug JDK-6695402
  * @summary verify signatures of jars containing classes with names 
with multi-
  *          byte unicode characters broken across lines
  * @library /test/lib
  * @modules jdk.jartool/
  *          jdk.jartool/
  * @build jdk.test.lib.JDKToolLauncher
  *        jdk.test.lib.process.*
  * @run main MultibyteUnicodeName

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.jar.Attributes.Name;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;

import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;


import jdk.test.lib.JDKToolLauncher;
import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer;
import jdk.test.lib.process.ProcessTools;

public class MultibyteUnicodeName {

     public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
         try {


         } finally {

     static final String alias = "a";
     static final String keystoreFileName = "test.jks";
     static final String ManifestFileName = "MANIFEST.MF";

     static class A1234567890B1234567890C1234567890D12345678exyz { }
     static class A1234567890B1234567890C1234567890D12345678éxyz { }

     static final String refClassFilename = 
MultibyteUnicodeName.class.getSimpleName() +
             "$" + 
A1234567890B1234567890C1234567890D12345678exyz.class.getSimpleName() + 
     static final String testClassFilename = 
MultibyteUnicodeName.class.getSimpleName() +
             "$" + 
A1234567890B1234567890C1234567890D12345678éxyz.class.getSimpleName() + 

     static void prepare() throws Throwable {
         tool("keytool", "-keystore", keystoreFileName, "-genkeypair", 
"-storepass", "changeit",
                 "-keypass", "changeit", "-storetype", "JKS", "-alias", 
alias, "-dname", "CN=X",
                 "-validity", "366")

                 (Name.MANIFEST_VERSION.toString() + ": 

     static void copyClassToFile(String classFilename) throws IOException {
         try (
             InputStream asStream = 
             ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
         ) {
             int b;
             while ((b = != -1) buf.write(b);
             Files.write(Paths.get(classFilename), buf.toByteArray());

     static void testSignJar(String jarFileName) throws Throwable {
         try {
             tool("jar", "cvfm", jarFileName,
                     ManifestFileName, refClassFilename, testClassFilename)

         } finally {

     static void testSignJarNoManifest(String jarFileName) throws 
Throwable {
         try {
             tool("jar", "cvf", jarFileName, refClassFilename, 

         } finally {

     static void testSignJarUpdate(String jarFileName) throws Throwable {
         try {
             tool("jar", "cvfm", jarFileName, ManifestFileName, 
             tool("jarsigner", "-keystore", keystoreFileName, 
"-storetype", "JKS",
                     "-storepass", "changeit", "-debug", jarFileName, alias)
             tool("jar", "uvf", jarFileName, testClassFilename)

         } finally {

     static void testSignJarWithIndex(String jarFileName) throws Throwable {
         try {
             tool("jar", "cvfm", jarFileName,
                     ManifestFileName, refClassFilename, testClassFilename)
             tool("jar", "iv", jarFileName).shouldHaveExitValue(0);

         } finally {

     static void testSignJarAddIndex(String jarFileName) throws Throwable {
         try {
             tool("jar", "cvfm", jarFileName,
                     ManifestFileName, refClassFilename, testClassFilename)
             tool("jarsigner", "-keystore", keystoreFileName, 
"-storetype", "JKS",
                     "-storepass", "changeit", "-debug", jarFileName, alias)
             tool("jar", "iv", jarFileName).shouldHaveExitValue(0);

         } finally {

     static Map<String, String> jarsignerResources = 
             collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> (String) e[0], e -> (String) 

     static void verifyJarSignature(String jarFileName) throws Throwable {
         // actually sign the jar
         tool("jarsigner", "-keystore", keystoreFileName, "-storetype", 
                 "-storepass", "changeit", "-debug", jarFileName, alias)


         // check for no unsigned entries
         tool("jarsigner", "-verify", "-keystore", keystoreFileName, 
"-storetype", "JKS",
                 "-storepass", "changeit", "-debug", jarFileName, alias)

         // check that both classes with and without multi-byte unicode 
characters in their names are signed
         tool("jarsigner", "-verify", "-verbose", "-keystore", 
keystoreFileName, "-storetype", "JKS",
                 "-storepass", "changeit", "-debug", jarFileName, alias)
                 .shouldMatch("^" + jarsignerResources.get("s") + 
jarsignerResources.get("m") + jarsignerResources.get("k") + ".+" + 
refClassFilename.replaceAll("\\$", "\\\\\\$") + "$")
                 .shouldMatch("^" + jarsignerResources.get("s") + 
jarsignerResources.get("m") + jarsignerResources.get("k") + ".+" + 
testClassFilename.replaceAll("\\$", "\\\\\\$") + "$");

         // check that both classes with and without multi-byte unicode 
characters in their names have signing certificates
         tool("jarsigner", "-verify", "-verbose", "-certs", "-keystore", 
                 "-storetype", "JKS", "-storepass", "changeit", 
"-debug", jarFileName, alias)
"\\\\\\$") + "\\s*\\R*\\s*(\\[" + 
jarsignerResources.get("entry.was.signed.on") + " .*\\]\\R*)?\\s*X.509, 
CN=X \\(" + alias + "\\)")
"\\\\\\$") + "\\s*\\R*\\s*(\\[" + 
jarsignerResources.get("entry.was.signed.on") + " .*\\]\\R*)?\\s*X.509, 
CN=X \\(" + alias + "\\)");

      * it would be too easy to miss the actual test case by just 
renaming an identifier so that
      * the multi-byte encoded character would not any longer be broken 
across a line break.
      * this test verifies that the actual test case is tested based on 
the manifest
      * and not based on the signature file because at the moment, the 
signature file
      * does not even contain the desired entry at all.
      * this relies on the Manifest breaking lines unaware of bytes that 
belong to the same
      * multi-ybte utf characters.
     static void verifyClassNameLineBroken(String jarFileName) throws 
IOException {
         byte[] eAcute = "é".getBytes(UTF_8);
         byte[] eAcuteBroken = new byte[] {eAcute[0], '\r', '\n', ' ', 

         try (
             JarFile jar = new JarFile(jarFileName);
         ) {
             if (jar.getManifest().getAttributes(testClassFilename) == 
null) {
                 throw new AssertionError(testClassFilename + " not 
found in manifest");

             JarEntry manifestEntry = 
             try (
                 InputStream manifestIs = jar.getInputStream(manifestEntry);
             ) {
                 int bytesMatched = 0;
                 for (int b =; b > -1; b = {
                     if ((byte) b == eAcuteBroken[bytesMatched]) {
                         if (bytesMatched == eAcuteBroken.length) {
                     } else {
                         bytesMatched = 0;
                 if (bytesMatched < eAcuteBroken.length) {
                     throw new AssertionError("self-test failed: "
                             + "multi-byte utf-8 character not broken 
across lines");

     static OutputAnalyzer tool(String tool, String... args)
             throws Throwable {
         JDKToolLauncher l = JDKToolLauncher.createUsingTestJDK(tool);
         for (String arg : args) {
             if (arg .startsWith("-J")) {
             } else {
         return ProcessTools.executeCommand(l.getCommand());

END /jdk10/jdk/test/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/

There are three e with acutes, on lines 84, 89, and 227, just in case 
the mail suffers bad encoding which might not be absolutely 
unconceivable regarding the bug's subject.

In contrast to the bug description it uses a nested class with a 
two-byte UTF-8 character rather than one in its own file. I chose to do 
it that way because then the complete test goes into one file and 
therefore I assume the overview is kept easier. The test still 
demonstrates exactly JDK-6695402's problem.

It may not have been necessary to also test jar files with indexes but i 
consider it necessary to have signing unsigned as well as partially 
signed jars tested, so why not have one more case tested, too?

There might also be a more elegant approach to get class files into a 
jar file as to get their contents through the class loader. I chose to 
use real class files rather than dummy contents in files named *.class 
or for instance plain text files in the jar the signing of which to be 
tested in order to stay as close to the original bug problem as possible 
even though I don't have any notion that it would make a difference. The 
amount of code used to copy the class file contents around is 
comparatively small with respect to the whole test case amount of code.

For the demonstration that the multi-byte character actually makes the 
alleged difference, I concluded that it was necessary to have another 
class name not previously affected by the bug in order to compare the 
effects of just different names. Otherwise the signing could fail to any 
other reason undetectably.

In order to express a condition to tell successful from failed test runs 
the best approach I found was to analyze the jarsigner tool's output 
which is in my opinion not the most desirable option. I'd have preferred 
output from a clearer structured api but then I guess the output format 
will not change too often in the foreseeable future. For instance the 
check for the s, m, and k flags is more pragmatical approach than 
obviously perfectly failsafe when operating with regular expressions to 
match it with the output. Other parts such as 'X.509' and 'CN=' are not 
even jarsigner tool resources. I put at least a reference to

Finally, I afforded kind of a self-test that protects the test from 
undetected failing because renaming the main class which would move the 
two-byte unicode character to a position not suitable for the test. It 
may not be absolutely necessary.

diff -r ddc25f646c2e 
Thu Aug 31 22:21:20 2017 -0700
Wed Sep 20 00:56:15 2017 +0200
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
  import java.util.HashMap;
+import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;

   * This class is used to compute digests on sections of the Manifest.
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@
          rawBytes = bytes;
          entries = new HashMap<>();

-        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+        ByteArrayOutputStream nameBuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

          Position pos = new Position();

@@ -131,50 +132,40 @@

              if (len > 6) {
                  if (isNameAttr(bytes, start)) {
-                    StringBuilder nameBuf = new StringBuilder(sectionLen);
+                    nameBuf.reset();
+                    nameBuf.write(bytes, start+6, len-6);

-                    try {
-                        nameBuf.append(
-                            new String(bytes, start+6, len-6, "UTF8"));
+                    int i = start + len;
+                    if ((i-start) < sectionLen) {
+                        if (bytes[i] == '\r') {
+                            i += 2;
+                        } else {
+                            i += 1;
+                        }
+                    }

-                        int i = start + len;
-                        if ((i-start) < sectionLen) {
-                            if (bytes[i] == '\r') {
-                                i += 2;
-                            } else {
-                                i += 1;
-                            }
+                    while ((i-start) < sectionLen) {
+                        if (bytes[i++] == ' ') {
+                            // name is wrapped
+                            int wrapStart = i;
+                            while (((i-start) < sectionLen)
+                                    && (bytes[i++] != '\n'));
+                            if (bytes[i-1] != '\n')
+                                return; // XXX: exception?
+                            int wrapLen;
+                            if (bytes[i-2] == '\r')
+                                wrapLen = i-wrapStart-2;
+                            else
+                                wrapLen = i-wrapStart-1;
+                            nameBuf.write(bytes, wrapStart, wrapLen);
+                        } else {
+                            break;
+                    }

-                        while ((i-start) < sectionLen) {
-                            if (bytes[i++] == ' ') {
-                                // name is wrapped
-                                int wrapStart = i;
-                                while (((i-start) < sectionLen)
-                                        && (bytes[i++] != '\n'));
-                                    if (bytes[i-1] != '\n')
-                                        return; // XXX: exception?
-                                    int wrapLen;
-                                    if (bytes[i-2] == '\r')
-                                        wrapLen = i-wrapStart-2;
-                                    else
-                                        wrapLen = i-wrapStart-1;
-                            nameBuf.append(new String(bytes, wrapStart,
-                                                      wrapLen, "UTF8"));
-                            } else {
-                                break;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        entries.put(nameBuf.toString(),
-                            new Entry(start, sectionLen, 
-                                rawBytes));
-                    } catch ( uee) {
-                        throw new IllegalStateException(
-                            "UTF8 not available on platform");
-                    }
+                    entries.put(new String(nameBuf.toByteArray(), UTF_8),
+                        new Entry(start, sectionLen, 
sectionLenWithBlank, rawBytes));
              start = pos.startOfNext;

The patch is mostly so big because indentation has changed in many lines.

There was baos there before without apparent use. The patch renames it 
and puts it into use. It came in very handy because if it would not have 
been there already, I would have had to defined one of my own.

The main point of the patch is that manifest section names that are 
broken across lines at possibly arbitrary bytes are no longer converted 
into strings for each manifest line and then joined. Parts of names 
broken across lines are now joined first when they are still byte 
sequences and only when the complete byte sequence is available after 
processing all manifest lines that contain the same manifest section 
name decoded into a unicode string.

For decoding the bytes into a string I chose a different string 
constructor than was used before that does not any longer declare 
UnsupportedEncodingException rendering the try/catch redundant. It 
couldn't have ever occurred anyway taking into consideration that UTF-8 
is mandatory for every Java platform, StandardCharsets says. The 
difference according to the documentation is that the previously used 
String constructor returned undefined strings for invalid byte sequences 
whereas the one used in the patch will replace unparseable portions with 
valid 'unknown' characters.

One question I cannot still answer yet is how the ManifestDigester can 
be changed at all without complete test coverage or risking to break 
existing signatures. I already started on that but it's quite a piece of 
work to almost formally prove that all manifests will continue to 
produce identical digests, except of course for the ones now fixed.


On 17.09.2017 21:25, Philipp Kunz wrote:
> Hello Vincent
> I narrowed the error down so far and suspect now that it is an effect 
> of's constructor, lines 134 and 
> 163-164, in combination with java.util.jar.Manifest.make72Safe. 
> Manifest breaks multi-byte characters in manifest section names across 
> lines and ManifestDigester fails to restore them correctly, which both 
> sounds wrong but ManifestDigester sure is.
> Just fixing it would be too tempting but then I would not know (I mean 
> not know for sure with evidence from tests) if any existing 
> jar-signature would still be valid and I don't want to break existing 
> signatures. When I had a look at the tests specific for Manifest and 
> ManifestDigester I found very little. There are many more different 
> situations and corner cases and combinations thereof to cover with 
> tests than it looks like at first glance so that writing tests that 
> cover all relevant cases looks to me like quite an effort. I have the 
> impression that test coverage was not a priority when the subjected 
> code was developed or at least the tests might not have been 
> contributed to the open JDK project. Hence, while I'm continuing to 
> complete these tests I miss, if someone has an idea how to simplify 
> that so that I can still convince at least myself that no existing 
> signature will break or where possibly more testcases are that I 
> haven't discovered so far, please let me know.
> I'm also wondering how much performance should be taken into 
> consideration. There are a few hints such as reusing byte arrays that 
> suggest that it is an issue. Will a patch be rejected if it slows down 
> some tests beyond a certain limit for so little added value or what 
> might be the acceptance criteria here? I don't expect insuperable 
> difficulties with performance but would still appreciate some general 
> idea.
> My desired or currently preferred approach to fix JDK-6695402 would be 
> to let ManifestDigester any kind of use or extend Manifest in order to 
> let Manifest identify the manifest sections thereby preventing the 
> parsing duplicated that identifies the manifest sections.
> As a new contributor I could use and would appreciate some guidance 
> particularly about what kind and completeness of test coverage and 
> performance tuning applies or is suggested in the context of the given 
> bug. Otherwise I fear I might contribute too many tests which would 
> have to be reviewed and maintained or quite some work would be for 
> nothing if a patch would not satisfy performance requirements.
> Regards,
> Philipp
> On 01.09.2017 15:20, Vincent Ryan wrote:
>> That all sounds fine. Let me know when your patch is ready to submit.
>> Thanks.
>>> On 1 Sep 2017, at 13:15, Philipp Kunz <philipp.kunz at 
>>> <mailto:philipp.kunz at>> wrote:
>>> Hello Vincent
>>> Thank you for sponsoring!
>>> So far, I have become a contributor by signing the OCA which has 
>>> been accepted. Dalibor Topic wrote that he can confirm and it's also 
>>> here: 
>>> -> Paratix GmbH
>>> Therefore I think I have followed the steps in 
>>> at least the ones before actual 
>>> patch submission.
>>> Currently, I'm working on getting the existing test cases running 
>>> locally. Unfortunately, I started with jdk 9 and switched to 10 now. 
>>> I figured these commands run at least the relevant tests with 9 and 
>>> hope this also applies to 10:
>>> make run-test-tier1
>>> make run-test TEST="jdk/test"
>>> they report errors and failures but it hasn't been completed and 
>>> released which might explain it. If I run the tests I assume 
>>> relevant for my patch
>>> make run-test TEST="jtreg:jdk/test/sun/security/tools/jarsigner 
>>> jtreg:jdk/test/java/util/jar"
>>> then it reports zero errors and failures which may be a good 
>>> starting point.
>>> Do you think that sounds reasonable or do you have another 
>>> suggestion how to run the tests?
>>> Next, I will add a test for JDK-6695402 before actually fixing it. 
>>> As an example, I'll try something in the style of 
>>> This way, I try to demonstrate the improvement.
>>> I guess I have identified the following line as the cause: value = 
>>> new String(vb, 0, 0, vb.length);
>>> So I'll try to remove it first including the whole four line if block.
>>> Philipp
>>> On 01.09.2017 10:00, Vincent Ryan wrote:
>>>> Hello Philipp,
>>>> I’m happy to sponsor your fix for JDK 10. Have you followed these 
>>>> steps: ?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> On 1 Sep 2017, at 08:58, Vincent Ryan <vincent.x.ryan at 
>>>>> <mailto:vincent.x.ryan at>> wrote:
>>>>> Moved to security-dev
>>>>>> On 1 Sep 2017, at 08:28, Philipp Kunz <philipp.kunz at 
>>>>>> <mailto:philipp.kunz at>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello everyone
>>>>>> I have been developing with Java for around 17 years now and when 
>>>>>> I encountered some bug I decided to attempt to fix it: 
>>>>>> This also looks 
>>>>>> like it may not be too big a piece for a first contribution.
>>>>>> I read through quite some guides and all kinds of documents but 
>>>>>> could not yet help myself with the following questions:
>>>>>> May I login to jira to add comments to bugs? If so, how would I 
>>>>>> request or receive credentials? Or are mailing lists preferred?
>>>>>> Another question is whether I should apply it to jdk9, but it may 
>>>>>> be too late now, or to jdk10, and backporting can be considered 
>>>>>> later. Probably it wouldn't even make much a difference for the 
>>>>>> patch itself.
>>>>>> One more question I have is how or where to find the sources from 
>>>>>> before migration to mercurial. Because some lines of code I 
>>>>>> intend to change go back farther and in the history I find only 
>>>>>> 'initial commit'. With such a history I might be able better to 
>>>>>> understand why it's there and prevent to make the same mistake again.
>>>>>> I guess the appropriate mailing list for above mentioned bug is 
>>>>>> security-dev. Is it correct that I can send a patch there and 
>>>>>> just hope for some sponsor to pick it up? Of course I'd be glad 
>>>>>> if some sponsor would contact me and maybe provide some 
>>>>>> assistance or if someone would confirm that sending a patch to 
>>>>>> the mailing list is the right way to find a sponsor.
>>>>>> Philipp Kunz
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Paratix GmbH
> St Peterhofstatt 11
> 8001 Zürich
> +41 (0)76 397 79 35
> philipp.kunz at <mailto:philipp.kunz at>

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