Patch for JDK-6695402: Jarsigner with multi-byte characters in class names

Weijun Wang at
Wed Sep 27 06:12:51 UTC 2017

Hi Philipp

The change is now at

I only moved the test to its new directory. Everything else unchanged.

Thanks again for your contribution, looking forward for more!


> On Sep 27, 2017, at 1:49 PM, Philipp Kunz <philipp.kunz at> wrote:
> Hi Max
> Thank you for your update and its associated effort.
> I suggest that at least a comment should be added about why and how non-existing files can be added and the test still serves it's purpose. In fact I was quite a bit surprised when I found out that JarUtils.createJar adds the file name as contents if the file cannot be found. Ideally, we would also add some note about why this was relevant, about the test not compiling on certain oses with jtreg together with the acute but it doesn't apply any longer now. Altogether the test has become even simpler now.
> One more small thing that I just noticed now is that I would prefer ManifestFileName not to start with a capital letter like the other nearby variables. I thought testName was too ambiguous a name and changed it to testClassName. I also reviewed and slightly changed a few comments again. Of course it will never become perfect but now it should do. See attached patch.
> The contributed by is fine. I'd be glad to share credits with you and please accept more flattering for your collaboration.
> Regards,
> Philipp

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