RFR: 8200219: Develop new tests for using new elliptic curves: curve25519 and curve448

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at oracle.com
Tue Apr 17 17:15:31 UTC 2018

On 4/16/18 9:50 AM, Sibabrata Sahoo wrote:
> Now there is only 1 Test file in the deleted list which has duplicate code. Due to that I have pointed the older JBS bug ID JDK-4936763 in KeyAgreementTest.java and linked the same to JDK-8184359 too.
> Reverted the duplicate code merge in KeySizeTest.java due to performance issue observed for higher key sizes. That ensured SupportedDHKeys.java & UnsupportedDHKeys.java will not be removed as it was provided in previous patch.

Looks good.


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