Inconsistent SSLEngine behavior for closing outbound while in handshake in 11ea22

Xue-Lei Fan at
Tue Aug 14 00:14:48 UTC 2018

OK, I will check it.  Thanks!


On 8/13/2018 3:15 PM, Bradford Wetmore wrote:
> No, I haven't had the time to determine when OK vs BU.
> Brad
> On 8/13/2018 2:32 PM, Xue-Lei Fan wrote:
>> On 8/13/2018 2:12 PM, Bradford Wetmore wrote:
>>> An update.
>>> 1.  OK vs. BUFFER_UNDERFLOW may still be an issue.  It's not a big 
>>> one, but potentially confusing as to when you will get either.
>> Did you figure out when OK is returned, and when BUFFER_UNDERFLOW is 
>> returned?  I think we have an improvement that if the buffer is not 
>> used currently, the BUFFER_UNDERFLOW may not be returned.  So OK may 
>> be used in some circumstances.
>> Xuelei
>>> 2.  I thought I saw this in the non-TLSv1.3 contexts also, but I 
>>> think I must have been reverted my test case back to "TLS", which 
>>> uses the TLS1.3 1/2 close.  I can't get it to duplicate in 
>>> TLSv1.2/1.1/1 today. Never mind.
>>> Brad
>>> On 8/10/2018 6:14 PM, Bradford Wetmore wrote:
>>>> On 8/9/2018 5:57 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
>>>>> Thank you, Tim!   Please feel free to submit bugs and comments.
>>>> I went through a standard SSLEngineTemplate handshake/data/close 
>>>> with a fine-tooth comb (debugger), and found two bugs based on your 
>>>> -04 patch.
>>>> 1.  Things may have changed since the original SSLEngine 
>>>> implementation, but unwrap() was supposed to return a 
>>>> BUFFER_UNDERFLOW if there is not enough (or any) inbound data to 
>>>> make a packet.  I'm seeing a mix of OK and BUFFER_UNDERFLOW.  I 
>>>> haven't determined the pattern, but you should be able to run my 
>>>> test (attached) and see pretty quickly.
>>>> 2.   I haven't not had the cycles to follow the earlier discussion, 
>>>> so this may be a duplicate of something already discussed, but I got 
>>>> myself into an endless loop because the closes weren't happening as 
>>>> expected.
>>>> In the attached file, after the handshaking and data exchange, close 
>>>> just one of the SSLEngines outbound side.  I'll use client for this 
>>>> example, but same error with server side:
>>>> // clientEngine.closeOutbound();
>>>> clientEngine.getHandshakeStatus() == NEED_WRAP
>>>> client.isInboundDone(): false
>>>> client.isOutboundDone(): false
>>>> // client.wrap() sends the Close Notify (CN).
>>>> client wrap: CLOSED/NEED_UNWRAP, 0/24 bytes
>>>> clientEngine.getHandshakeStatus() == NEED_UNWRAP
>>>> client.isInboundDone(): false
>>>> client.isOutboundDone(): true
>>>> // server.unwrap() parses the CN, and closes the inbound side.
>>>> server unwrap: CLOSED/NEED_WRAP, 24/0 bytes
>>>> clientEngine.getHandshakeStatus() == NEED_WRAP
>>>> server.isInboundDone(): true
>>>> server.isOutboundDone(): false
>>>> So far so good.
>>>> // server.wrap() needs to send the corresponding close_notify.
>>>> server wrap: OK/NEED_WRAP, 0/0 bytes
>>>> clientEngine.getHandshakeStatus() == NEED_WRAP
>>>> server.isInboundDone(): true
>>>> server.isOutboundDone(): false
>>>> Whoops, it didn't happen.  No outbound data was generated.  State is 
>>>> still in NEED_WRAP.  I just let the app run, it never closes because 
>>>> no CN is generated on the server side.
>>>> Run the attached file for full details.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Brad
>>>>> Xuelei
>>>>> On 8/9/2018 4:23 PM, Tim Brooks wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Xuelei,
>>>>>> My test passed using that patch. I’ll continue to explore over the 
>>>>>> next few days. But that patch resolves the main issues that I had 
>>>>>> encountered.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> - Tim
>>>>>>> On Aug 7, 2018, at 8:54 AM, Xuelei Fan < at 
>>>>>>> < at>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Xuelei

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