Java 11 RC build - HTTPS handshake failure against a previously working server

Xuelei Fan at
Sat Aug 25 14:48:23 UTC 2018

Hi Jaikiran,

Thank you very much for the help!

JDK 12 repo (JDK repo):

JDK 11 repo:

The patch should work for both repositories.


On 8/25/2018 7:44 AM, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
> Hi Xuelei,
> I can definitely build JDK 12 (jdk repo) from source and apply your
> attached patch and give it a try. As for JDK 11, I haven't been
> following the version control discussions/process, does it have a
> separate repo now? Or is it some branch within jdk repo itself? Either
> way, once I know the right repo location, I can (and in fact prefer)
> building that repo with this patch to give it a try.
> -Jaikiran
> On 25/08/18 8:10 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
>> Hi Jaikiran,
>> Could you build JDK 11 or JDK 12 from source code?  I had a patch to
>> tolerate the extension in ServerHello handshake message.  Please let
>> me know if it works or not.
>> If there are any other JDK 11 TLS problems with Apache Ant project,
>> I'd like to know as well.
>> Thanks,
>> Xuelei
>> On 8/25/2018 7:04 AM, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
>>> Hi Xuelei,
>>> On 25/08/18 7:20 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
>>>> Sending "supported_groups" in ServerHello does not comply to the
>>>> extension specification.
>>> Agreed. However, given that both the client and server are using TLSv1.2
>>> and this seems to be "working" before the newer TLSv1.3 changes, even in
>>> recent JDK versions, is there a way the implementation could workaround
>>> this so as to allow JDK 11 to communicate with such servers?
>>>> Is it possible the HTTPS server fix this problem?
>>> I don't have access or control over that server, so don't really know
>>> how it's configured or whether it can be fixed. It's a pretty frequently
>>> used Maven repository hosted by the JBoss (Red Hat middleware) project
>>> team. I suspect, it's not just limited to this server and could be a
>>> common issue with some other servers too.
>>>> I filed a bug in OpenJDK for the tracking:
>>> Thank you.
>>> -Jaikiran
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Xuelei
>>>> On 8/25/2018 5:03 AM, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
>>>>> As noted in that exception message, it appears that the server is
>>>>> sending a "supported_groups" extension in its ServerHello message
>>>>> (TLSv1.2). Reading about it, this seems to be a common issue with
>>>>> certain servers and certain SSL implementations have added support
>>>>> to be
>>>>> lenient with such servers
>>>>> -Jaikiran
>>>>> On 25/08/18 11:58 AM, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
>>>>>> While testing the recently released RC of JDK11 against the Apache
>>>>>> Ant
>>>>>> project, I happened to run into an odd error. I have now been able to
>>>>>> reproduce this using the following, pretty trivial code:
>>>>>> import;
>>>>>> import;
>>>>>> public class Fetch {
>>>>>>         public static void main(final String[] args) throws
>>>>>> Exception {
>>>>>>             final URL targetURL = new
>>>>>> URL("");
>>>>>>             try (final InputStream is =
>>>>>> targetURL.openConnection().getInputStream()) {
>>>>>>       ;
>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>             System.out.println("Done");
>>>>>>         }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> All it does is opens a (HTTPS) connection against an endpoint to read
>>>>>> some content. This code works fine in Java 8 and even Java 10. I'm
>>>>>> pretty sure this was working fine even in Java 11 early access
>>>>>> builds,
>>>>>> but I don't have any such build/binary at hand to be certain.
>>>>>> However, using the latest (OpenJDK) RC of Java 11 (both on Mac OS and
>>>>>> Linux) downloaded from[1]:
>>>>>> openjdk version "11" 2018-09-25
>>>>>> OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11+28)
>>>>>> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11+28, mixed mode)
>>>>>> it fails with:
>>>>>> Exception in thread "main"
>>>>>> extension (10) should not be presented in server_hello
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/<init>(
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/$ServerHelloMessage.<init>(
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/$ServerHelloConsumer.consume(
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at
>>>>>> java.base/
>>>>>>        at Fetch.main(
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> -Jaikiran

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