RFR 8213010: [cng] Supporting keys created with certmgr.exe

Valerie Peng valerie.peng at oracle.com
Tue Dec 11 22:21:08 UTC 2018

Hi Max,


- Comments (line 60-63) missed SHA224withECDSA?

- Line 430: should be "ECPublicKey"

- Line 919, 922: is it really necessary to have two methods with 
algorithm name argument? It seems they are functionally the same but one 
calls CAPI vs CNG. Can they be merged?


- generateECBlob() method (line 110-148), is the extra 1 due to the sign 
bit added by the BigInteger.toByteArray()? I recall BigInteger adds an 
extra 00 byte sometimes to indicate the positive value, but why is there 
an extra 1? Are the bytes for x, y, bs longer than the allocated 
"keyLen" length?


- line 627, shouldn't 'C' be at buffer[1]? If not, what is at buffer[1]? 
len value is not checked, not sure how useful it is.



On 12/3/2018 7:14 AM, Weijun Wang wrote:
> Please take a review at
>   https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/8213010/webrev.00/
> A Windows keystore is now able to load EC keys and uses them in signing and verifying with SHA<n>withECDSA.
> Not supported:
> 1. No EC KeyPairGenerator yet.
> 2. Cannot store a EC key (from SunEC) into a Windows keystore. I still haven't figured out how to call NCryptImportKey, NCryptCreatePersistedKey and CertAddCertificateContextToStore together correctly to associate a EC private key to a cert and store them.
> 3. SHA<n>withECDSAinP1363Format not supported, but it's easy to add them.
> 4. NONEwithECDSA not supported.
> Currently I can only use certmgr.exe to import a pkcs12 file and then run a manual test with it. Therefore no automatic test is included. Like RSA support in SunMSCAPI, Signature::initSign only support native keys. Signature::initVerify supports both native and SunEC keys. That said, since we do not have EC KeyPairGenerator yet you won't meet a real native EC public key.
> Thanks
> Max

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