contribute to the OpenJDK security group

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at
Wed Jan 17 13:53:19 UTC 2018

Hi Leo,

Thanks for the offer to help and contribute! I would suggest you start 
by reading the OpenJDK contribution page (if you have not done so already):

which has some tips and other helpful advice. You will also need to sign 
an OCA (Oracle Contributor Agreement) before we can accept any 


On 1/16/18 9:03 PM, Leo Grove wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Leo Grove, founder of and also 
> Java Certified Programmer ('98). Although I'm not so much into coding 
> these days, I'm always looking for ways to contribute to internet 
> security and the public WebPKI. We do have some very sharp java 
> developers that specialize in PKI and certs, so if there is something 
> you need a hand with (or a pair of eyeballs on), please let me know, 
> thanks.

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