contribute to the OpenJDK security group

Tomas Gustavsson tomas at
Wed Jan 24 10:39:52 UTC 2018

Sorry for jumping in :-)

Imho the P11 layer always needs attention. To work properly we're
relying on some patches, where parts was recently merged into OpenJDK.
We just started testing the Amazon CloudHSM, and that requires changes
to SunPKCS11 as well to work. Not always bad in SunPKCS11 as some P11
libraries out there do strange non-conforming stuff, but there's room
for more flexibility nevertheless.


On 2018-01-17 20:09, Leo Grove wrote:
> Thanks Sean, I've filled out the OCA and sent it in. I'll take a gander
> around after reading up on the link you posted and see where we might be
> able to jump in and assist.
> Leo
> On 1/17/2018 7:53 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
>> Hi Leo,
>> Thanks for the offer to help and contribute! I would suggest you start
>> by reading the OpenJDK contribution page (if you have not done so
>> already):
>> which has some tips and other helpful advice. You will also need to
>> sign an OCA (Oracle Contributor Agreement) before we can accept any
>> contributions.
>> Thanks,
>> Sean
>> On 1/16/18 9:03 PM, Leo Grove wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Leo Grove, founder of and
>>> also Java Certified Programmer ('98). Although I'm not so much into
>>> coding these days, I'm always looking for ways to contribute to
>>> internet security and the public WebPKI. We do have some very sharp
>>> java developers that specialize in PKI and certs, so if there is
>>> something you need a hand with (or a pair of eyeballs on), please let
>>> me know, thanks.

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