CFV: New Security Group Member: Adam Petcher

Bradford Wetmore bradford.wetmore at
Tue Jul 31 21:03:29 UTC 2018

Vote:  Yes.


On 7/31/2018 8:58 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
> I hereby nominate Adam Petcher to Membership in the Security Group.
> Adam is a member of the Security Libraries Team at Oracle and has a 
> strong background in cryptography. He has been working on security for 
> the JDK since December 2016. Adam is also the lead of 2 significant 
> crypto related JEPs, one which will be delivered in JDK 11, and the 
> other which is currently a Candidate:
>     - JEP 324: Key Agreement with Curve25519 and Curve448 
> (
>     - JEP 339: Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA) 
> (
> Votes are due by 17:00 GMT Tuesday August 14, 2018.
> Only current Members of the Security Group [1] are eligible to vote on 
> this nomination.  Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this 
> mailing list
> For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [2].
> Sean Mullan
> [1]
> [2]

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