RFR 6913047: SunPKCS11 memory leak

Martin Balao mbalao at redhat.com
Mon Jun 4 22:39:07 UTC 2018

Hi Valerie,

4 bugs have been fixed in Webrev 09:

 * http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mbalao/webrevs/6913047/6913047.webrev.09/

 * http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mbalao/webrevs/6913047/6913047.webrev.09.zip

Bug #1

Bug happened when re-building sensitive private DSA keys. A wrapping key
-that lives in the token- is used for an encrypted extraction of the
private DSA key when a token is operated in FIPS mode. NSS + legacy DB,
because of internal storage constraints, uses a special key attribute
called CKA_NETSCAPE_DB to store the public key associated to the private
key. Previous to webrev.09, we were not reading and encoding this attribute
when extracting the key so it couldn't be re-built. This problem could have
potentially affected EC keys.

Bug #2

There was a misshandling of object sessions reference counting, which was
leading to leaked open sessions and closure of in-use sessions.

Suppose the following case:
 * A key "A" was re-built in session M (P11Key.incNativeKeyRef). Session M
has a key object associated, and is returned to the pool.
 * A session number N was obtained to perform a derivation of key "A"
 * Before derivation finishes, session M was closed (session N remained
alive). Thus, sourceKey in "sourceKey = sftk_ObjectFromHandle(hBaseKey,
session)" is NULL and CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID returned. See here [1]. This
was happening because when re-building key "A", the session objects number
was not incremented with addObject method. Only the session for the
original key had its reference counter incremented -and was, in fact,

Sessions reference counting has been simplified. When a key is destroyed
(because key info is extracted out of the token), reference counter is
decremented. When a key is re-built in the token, reference counter is
incremented. This applies to both original and re-built keys.

Bug #3

A session was released in P11Cipher at the end of the operation. However,
session instance variable was not updated to null. Thus, session could be
killed by any other object and when tried to be reused with the same
P11Cipher instance, an error occurred.

Bug #4

A P11Digest session was killed without verifying if session had objects.

In addition to fixing these bugs, I did some further refactoring to align
how P11Signature, P11Cipher, P11Mac and P11RSACipher classes handle
initialization and finalization.

Kind regards,

[1] -
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