Code review request: JDK-8046295 - Support Trusted CA Indication extension

Xuelei Fan at
Thu Jun 28 16:14:22 UTC 2018

Hi Martin,

The TLS 1.3 implementation was integrated into the mainline.

I know you have multiple contributions were pending because of the 
re-org of the JSSE implementation.  Would you mind to check if your 
design and implementation need some adjustment?

I may not reply for your contributions in other email threads.  Please 
trigger the code review again if the code is ready for the new JSSE 

Thanks & Regards,

On 8/11/2017 8:24 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Sorry for the delay.
> I'd like to wait for finalization of TLS 1.3 specification, so that we 
> can get a stable specification of the Certificate Authorities extension.
> For the current design, I did not see much benefit to add a new 
> CertificateAuthority API.  The CertificateAuthority.implies() may not 
> yet reach the threshold to be a public API.  A trust/key manager can 
> easily matching the distinguished name with the target certificate.  And 
> I did not see the cert matching behavior differences between different 
> providers and trust/key managers.
> For the specification documentation part, I may suggest reword them a 
> little bit so that those developers who are not TLS specification 
> experts can easily catch the purpose or benefits of the API.
> Xuelei
> On 7/21/2017 7:20 AM, Martin Balao wrote:
>> Webrev has been uploaded to 
>> <>:
>>   * 
>>   * 
>> Kind regards,
>> Martin.-
>> On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 2:12 PM, Martin Balao <mbalao at 
>> <mailto:mbalao at>> wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     Given that 1) Trusted CA Indication TLS Extension does not appear to
>>     be widely implemented today and 2) it will be replaced by
>>     Certificate Authorities TLS extension in TLS 1.3, it looks more
>>     beneficial to me supporting only the latter -and avoid paying the
>>     cost for a larger code-base-.
>>     Here it is my proposal for Certificate Authorities TLS extension:
>>       *
>> <> 
>>     (browse online)
>>       *
>> <> 
>>     (download)
>>     Implementation based on TLS 1.3 - draft 20 [1]. Patch based on
>>     JDK-10 (rev 76ff72bb6a4a).
>>     Pending / blocked (in descending priority order):
>>     High
>>       * The extension applies only to TLSv1.3+
>>        * Blocked because TLSv1.3 is still not supported in JSSE.
>>        * Impact: the extension cannot be used in TLS 1.2 (high impact on
>>     the client-side).
>>        * Action: replace "useTLS12PlusSpec" with "useTLS13PlusSpec" in
>>     the patch when available.
>>     Medium
>>       * Server can send the CertificateAuthorities extension to the
>>     client in a CertificateRequest message (feature)
>>        * Blocked by: Server is still not able to send
>>     EncryptedExtensions message in CertificateRequest
>>        * Impact: feature not supported on the server side. The extension
>>     can still work in production environments. (medium).
>>        * Action: implement EncryptedExtensions message in
>>     CertificateRequest and then implement this feature.
>>     Low
>>       * Update documentation to refer the final TLS 1.3 RFC (draft 20 is
>>     currently referred)
>>        * Blocked by: publication of the final TLS 1.3 RFC
>>        * Impact: documentation is not accurate. (low)
>>        * Action: replace
>>     "
>>     <>"
>>     with the final link in the patch.
>>       * Update bug id in "" and
>>     ""
>>        * Blocked by: there is no bug id for Certificate Authorities TLS
>>     extension
>>        * Impact: internal tests (very low).
>>        * Action: replace "@bug 8046295" with the new bug id in the
>>     patch. Open a new bug id for Certificate Authorities TLS extension.
>>     Look forward to your comments.
>>     Kind regards,
>>     Martin.-
>>     --
>>     [1] -
>>     <>
>>     On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 9:33 PM, Xuelei Fan < at
>>     < at>> wrote:
>>         Hi Martin,
>>         The TLS 1.3 spec is replacing the Trusted CA Indication
>>         (trusted_ca_keys) extension with a new Certificate Authorities
>>         (certificate_authorities) extension.  See more details about the
>>         specification in the TLS 1.3 draft:
>> <>
>>         Both serves a similar purpose, but the trusted_ca_keys extension
>>         will not be used in TLS 1.3 any more.  The "trusted_ca_keys"
>>         extension will only be used for legacy protocol versions (TLS
>>         1.2/1.1/1.0).
>>         There are two options to me:
>>         1. Supports the certificate_authorities, but not trusted_ca_keys
>>         extension.
>>         It is acceptable to me as trusted_ca_keys is for legacy use only
>>         and the certificate_authorities extension is the future.  Plus,
>>         the certificate_authorities extension can also be used for TLS
>>         1.2 and previous versions.
>>         2. Supports both the certificate_authorities and trusted_ca_keys
>>         extensions.
>>         As far as I know, I did not see much benefit of this option
>>         unless the trusted_ca_keys extension is widely used in practice.
>>         If I did not miss something, the APIs you designed can still be
>>         used for the certificate_authorities extension, with a little
>>         bit update.
>>         What do you think?
>>         Thanks & Regards,
>>         Xuelei
>>         On 6/15/2017 12:05 PM, Martin Balao wrote:
>>             Hi Xuelei,
>>             The new webrev.02 is ready:
>>                *
>> <> 
>>             (browse online)
>>                *
>> <> 
>>             (zip, download)
>>             The following changes have been implemented since the
>>             previous webrev.01:
>>                * s/getUseTrustedCAIndication() methods in
>>             SSLEngine/SSLSocket and in SSLEngineImpl/SSLSocketImpl
>>             removed. s/getSSLParameters is now the only way to set or
>>             get the use of the Trusted CA Indication extension. An
>>             exception is no longer thrown if trying to disable the
>>             extension for a server, but the change takes no effect as
>>             the extension is mandatory for servers. X509KeyManagerImpl
>>             modified to use SSLParameters to get information regarding
>>             if Trusted CA Indication is enabled and should guide the
>>             certificate choice.
>>                * TrustedAuthorityIndicator.IdentifierType has been moved
>>             from enum to String, to follow JSSE conventions. I
>>             understand how important is to be consistent. However, I
>>             still believe that an enum is a better fit for this value
>>             and does not prevent from future extension. We are choosing
>>             from a closed set (strictly defined by the RFC) and that's
>>             what enum allows to express. From the client point of
>>             view/API, it's very handy that the type gives you
>>             information regarding the allowed choices for the parameter.
>>             You don't necessarily have to look for implementation
>>             details or documentation but you can just leverage on the
>>             strongly typed language. It's also likely that enums are
>>             faster for comparisons than strings, but that's not the main
>>             point here.
>>                * Removed X509Certificate from TrustedAuthorityIndicator
>>             class (method and property). It was there for informational
>>             purposes (when TrustedAuthorityIndicator was built from a
>>             certificate by a client and the whole extension indicators
>>             converted to String).
>>                * "equals" and "hashCode" methods moved from
>>             TrustedAuthorityIndicator to TrustedAuthorityIndicatorImpl
>>             class.
>>                * "getLength" method removed from
>>             TrustedAuthorityIndicator class. It's possible to get the
>>             encoded buffer and the length from there.
>>                * "getData" method renamed to "getEncoded" in
>>             TrustedAuthorityIndicator class.
>>                * "trustedAuthorityEncodedData" renamed to "encodedData"
>>             in TrustedAuthorityIndicator and
>>             TrustedAuthorityIndicatorImpl classes
>>                * "identifier" and "encodedData" instance variables moved
>>             from TrustedAuthorityIndicator to
>>             TrustedAuthorityIndicatorImpl class.
>>                * "getEncoded" and "getIdentifier" are now abstract
>>             methods in TrustedAuthorityIndicator, and their
>>             implementation is in TrustedAuthorityIndicatorImpl class.
>>                * "getIdentifier" method renamed to "getType" in
>>             TrustedAuthorityIndicator and TrustedAuthorityIndicatorImpl
>>             classes ("identifier" instance variable and parameter in
>>             TrustedAuthorityIndicatorImpl class renamed to "type").
>>                * Test cases (server and client) updated to reflect the
>>             new interface (enabling the use of the extension through
>>             SSLParameters)
>>             However, some changes are still not implemented and I have
>>             some concerns:
>>             1) I still believe that identifier type information has to
>>             be on TrustedAuthorityIndicator class somehow, and
>>             implementations restricted on what they can return as part
>>             of "getType" method. This is strictly specified by the RFC
>>             TrustedAuthorityIndicator class represents, and I find
>>             desirable that any implementation is enforced to be
>>             compliant to that. If we remove all of that (including the
>>             enum), TrustedAuthorityIndicator looks too generic and does
>>             not reflect (in my opinion) what it really is. It'd also be
>>             chaotic if different implementations call pre-agreed type as
>>             "preagreed", "pre-agreed", "PRE_AGREED", etc. I prefer
>>             stricter and more explicit interfaces.
>>             2) I agree that type mappings can be seen as part of an
>>             implementation, but they were in TrustedAuthorityIndicator
>>             (as protected) because every implementation is highly likely
>>             to need them and we can avoid the necessity for repeated
>>             code/mappings. The same for "type" and "encodedData"
>>             variables or even "hashCode" and "equals" methods. That's
>>             why I was thinking more of an abstract class and not an
>>             interface, as it happens (in example) with SNIServerName.
>>             3) I think that "implies" method on
>>             TrustedAuthorityIndicator should be also part of the
>>             class/interface, because that's the whole point of a Trusted
>>             Authority Information: to allow queries for a given
>>             certificate. This is, in fact, the only thing a server wants
>>             from one of these objects. My concern is that if we remove
>>             this requirement for an implementation, the interface looks
>>             more like a byte buffer holder.
>>             I'd appreciate if you can re-consider these items.
>>             Thanks,
>>             Martin.-
>>             On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 7:17 PM, Xuelei Fan
>>             < at < at>
>>             < at
>>             < at>>> wrote:
>>                  Hi Martin,
>>                  The big picture of the design looks pretty good to me,
>>             except a few
>>                  comment about the JSSE conventions.  I appreciate it
>>             very much.  By
>>                  the way, I need more time to look into the details of 
>> the
>>                  specification and implementation.
>>                  In order to keep the APIs simple and small,
>>             SSLParameters is
>>                  preferred as the only configuration port for common
>>             cases.   I may
>>                  suggest to remove the s/getUseTrustedCAIndication()
>>             methods in
>>                  SSLEngine/SSLSocket.
>>                  The identify type is defined as an enum
>>                  TrustedAuthorityIndicator.IdentifierType.  In the
>>             future, if more
>>                  type is added, we need to update the specification by
>>             adding a new
>>                  enum item.  Enum is preferred in JDK, but for good
>>             extensibility, in
>>                  general JSSE does not use enum in public APIs for
>>             extensible
>>                  properties.  I may suggest to use String (or
>>             integer/byte, I prefer
>>                  to use String) as the type.  The standard trusted 
>> authority
>>                  indicator algorithm (identifier) can be documented in
>>             the "Java
>>                  Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name
>>             Documentation"[1].
>>                  In TrustedAuthorityIndicator class, some methods, like
>>                  getIdentifierTypeFromCode(),
>>             getCodeFromIdentifierType(), implies(),
>>                  getLength(), equals() and hashCode() look more like
>>             implementation
>>                  logic.  I may suggest remove them from public APIs.
>>                  I did not see the benefit to have X509Certificate in the
>>                  TrustedAuthorityIndicator class.  The class is mainly
>>             used for
>>                  server side certificate selection.  X509Certificate
>>             could be unknown
>>                  for a indicator.  I may suggestion remove the related
>>             methods and
>>                  properties.
>>                  After that, as there is no requirement to instantiate
>>                  TrustedAuthorityIndicator class in application code,
>>             looks like it
>>                  may be enough to use an interface to represent a
>>             trusted authorities:
>>                      public interface TrustedAuthorityIndicator {
>>                           // identifier type, standard algorithm name
>>                           String/int/Byte getType();
>>                           // identifier
>>                           byte[] getEncoded();
>>                      }
>>                  What do you think?
>>                  Thanks & Regards,
>>                  Xuelei
>>                  [1]
>> <> 
>> < 
>> <>> 
>>                  On 6/13/2017 3:41 PM, Martin Balao wrote:
>>                      Hi Xuelei,
>>                      The new webrev.01 is ready:
>>                         *
>> <> 
>> < 
>> <>> 
>>                      (browse online)
>>                         *
>> <> 
>> < 
>> <>> 
>>                      (zip, download)
>>                      The following changes have been implemented since
>>             the previous
>>                      webrev.00:
>>                         * Pre-agreed support removed from server-side
>>                          * Unnecessary overhead and minium benefits for
>>             JSSE.
>>                         * Enabling the use of Trusted CA Indication
>>             extension for
>>                      clients through TrustManager objects was reverted.
>>             Trusted CA
>>                      Indication extension can now be enabled through: 1)
>>             SSLEngine,
>>                      2) SSLSocket, or 3) SSLParameters (which can be
>>             applied to both
>>                      SSLEngine and SSLSocket objects). Trusted CA 
>> Indication
>>                      extension is mandatory for servers.
>>                         * SunX509KeyManagerImpl old key manager
>>             ("SunX509" algorithm)
>>                      is now out of scope. This key manager does not
>>             support other TLS
>>                      extensions as Server Name Indication (SNI), which
>>             is far more
>>                      relevant than Trusted CA Indication. The new
>>             X509KeyManagerImpl
>>                      key manager ("PKIX" algorithm) is now in scope.
>>                         * Client requested indications are now an
>>             ExtendedSSLSession
>>                      attribute. ServerHandshaker gets the information
>>             from the Client
>>                      Hello message (now parsed by
>>             TrustedCAIndicationExtension class
>>                      instead of TrustedAuthorityIndicator) and sets it
>>             in the
>>                      ExtendedSSLSession (SSLSessionImpl object). The key
>>             manager
>>                      (i.e.: X509KeyManagerImpl), when choosing a server
>>             alias, may
>>                      now get the information from the ExtendedSSLSession
>>             object and
>>                      guide the certificate selection based on it.
>>                          * In order to allow multiple key managers to
>>             use Trusted
>>                      Authority Indicators information and to allow
>>             multiple Trusted
>>                      Authority Indicators implementations,
>>             TrustedAuthorityIndicator
>>                      has now been split in an abstract class
>>                      (TrustedAuthorityIndicator, located in
>>    and an
>>                      implementation class
>>             (TrustedAuthorityIndicatorImpl, located in
>>             No coupling was added between
>>                      and packages.
>>                         * Documentation extended and improved.
>>                         * Test cases (server and client) updated to
>>             reflect the new
>>                      interface and supported key manager.
>>                      Look forward to your new review!
>>                      Kind regards,
>>                      Martin.-
>>                      On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 6:15 PM, Xuelei Fan
>>                      < at
>>             < at> < at
>>             < at>>
>>                      < at
>>             < at> < at
>>             < at>>>>
>>                      wrote:
>>                           I'm OK to use SSLParameters.  Thank you very
>>             much for
>>                      considering a
>>                           new design.
>>                           Xuelei
>>                           On 6/9/2017 1:10 PM, Martin Balao wrote:
>>                               Hi Xuelei,
>>                               I didn't notice that some of the SSLSocket
>>             contructors
>>                      did not
>>                               establish the connection, so SSLParameters
>>             can be
>>                      effective for
>>                               Trusted CA Indication. This was an invalid
>>             argument on
>>                      my side,
>>                               sorry.
>>                               As for the configuration to enable the
>>             extension, it's
>>                      probably
>>                               not necessary on the Server side because
>>             -as you
>>                      mentioned- it
>>                               is mandatory and there is no harm in
>>             supporting it.
>>                      However, it
>>                               has to be configurable on the Client side
>>             because -as we
>>                               previously discussed- the client may cause
>>             a handshake
>>                      failure
>>                               if the server does not support the
>>             extension. I'd
>>                      prefer the
>>                               Client configuring the SSLSocket through
>>             SSLParameters
>>                      instead
>>                               of a system-wide property -which has even
>>             more impact
>>                      than the
>>                               TrustManager approach-. Would this work
>>             for you?
>>                                 > In JSSE, the benefits pre_agreed
>>             option can get by
>>                               customizing the key/trust manager, so I
>>             did not see too
>>                      much
>>                               benefits to support this option in JDK
>>                               I understand your point and will remove
>>             support for
>>                      "pre_agreed".
>>                               On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 1:37 AM, Xuelei Fan
>>                               < at
>>             < at> < at
>>             < at>>
>>                      < at
>>             < at> < at
>>             < at>>>
>>                               < at
>>             < at>
>>                      < at
>>             < at>>
>>             < at < at>
>>                      < at
>>             < at>>>>>
>>                               wrote:
>>                                    On 6/8/2017 8:36 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
>>                                        The trusted authorities can be
>>             get from client
>>                      trust
>>                               manager.         Server can choose the
>>             best matching of
>>                      server
>>                               certificate of the
>>                                        client requested trusted 
>> authorities.
>>                                    >
>>                                    I missed the point that the key
>>             manager need to
>>                      know the client
>>                                    requested trusted authorities for the
>>             choosing.         So may
>>                               need a new
>>                                    SSLSession attribute (See similar
>>             method in
>>                               ExtendedSSLSession).
>>                                    Xuelei
>>                               Yes, an attribute on SSLSession may do the
>>             job (both
>>                      when Key
>>                               Manager receives a SSLSocket and a 
>> SSLEngine).
>>                               Kind regards,
>>                               Martin.-

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