[11] RFR: 8193032: Remove terminally deprecated SecurityManager APIs

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Mar 27 15:26:19 UTC 2018

On 27/03/2018 16:15, Sean Mullan wrote:
> Please remove this change to remove several SecurityManager methods 
> that have been marked for removal since Java SE 9: 
> checkTopLevelWindow, checkSystemClipboardAccess, 
> checkAwtEventQueueAccess, and checkMemberAccess. These methods no 
> longer have any benefit, and removing them will follow through on the 
> the plan to remove them.
Right, these method were degraded to check AllPermission and I don't 
recall anyone screaming. This gives some confidence that they aren't 
widely used. So I think looks good.


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