Additional debug log message in KeyTab

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at
Wed Nov 7 12:44:37 UTC 2018

Looks like a reasonable minor enhancement to me.

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On 07/11/18 11:40, Lars Francke wrote:
> Hi,
> I have to preface this by saying that this would be my first 
> contribution to OpenJDK and I'm still learning the ways. Not sure for 
> example if this is the correct mailing list or if a more generic JDK 
> one would be appropriate.
> While working on Hadoop based systems I frequently need to debug 
> Kerberos related issues. And while there are 
> and the error messages could be more helpful 
> at times.
> One of these instance 
> is
> It logs that it's looking for keys but (at least for me) it would be 
> very helpful if it also logged how many keys it found after the for-loop.
> If it finds keys it also logs them but if it can't find any then 
> there's no message so it's easy to miss.
> What do you think?
> Cheers,
> Lars

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