RFR (12): 8191053: Provide a mechanism to make system's security manager immutable

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Fri Sep 14 11:52:24 UTC 2018

On 14/09/2018 12:31, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> Maybe it would be less confusing if the property was named
> -Djdk.disableSecurityManager, because AFAICT, it's what it does?

Forget I said that ;-)

The name "jdk.allowSecurityManager" is actually fine.

I was also confused at first because I believed the
property, if set to false, would just prevent someone
to call System::setSecurityManager at runtime, whereas
it also prevents to set a security manager on the command

Maybe emphasizing this would remove any confusion.

I wonder if the VM should fail to start if both
-Djdk.allowSecurityManager=false and -Djava.security.manager
are supplied?

best regards and apologies for the noise of my previous mail...

-- daniel

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