JNI Signal Chaining and OWASP (Security)

Hank Edwards hedwards at crawfordtech.com
Mon Apr 15 18:03:33 UTC 2019

After considering this I decided on an attempting an alternate approach.  I coded the Java part of our API to perform a System.loadlibrary("jsig"); prior to the call for our JNI library to be loaded.  This gave the desired effect when testing; the native code handled the signals and the Java program completed successfully.

On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 08:24:06PM +0000, Hank Edwards wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion, I was not aware the libjsig.so could be 
> loaded like that.  I'm assuming you mean a loadlibrary("jsig"); in the 
> .init.  It would also work I suppose to just add the .init to the 
> original shared library going forwards too, instead of putting a wrapper library in-between?

Yes, of course, if you're willing to modify/replace some such shared object, you can do that.

> I'll give that a try.

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