RFR 8221271: sun/security/pkcs11/tls/tls12/TestTLS12.java test failed

Martin Balao mbalao at redhat.com
Thu Apr 18 17:13:07 UTC 2019

Hi Xuelei,

Can I have a review for 8221271 [1]?


 * http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mbalao/webrevs/8221271/8221271.webrev.00/

I'm proposing the following changes:

 * RSACipher.java
  * Minor bug that is triggered only when "key" is not a RSAPublicKey or
a RSAPrivateKey (i.e.: it can be a PKCS8Key). The whole point of having
"rsaKey" variable is converting the key.
   * TestTLS12 triggered this bug in my Windows setup

 * TestTLS12.java
  * jdk.tls.useExtendedMasterSecret is read by SSLConfiguration only in
initialization time and has to be false because the mechanism is
currently not supported by SunPKCS11 crypto provider. Setting it in run
time may have no effect (depending on when SSLConfiguration is
initialized). That's why the test was failing on some environments.
  * Keys must be of PrivateKey and PublicKey types. Depending on the JKS
keystore implementation, their subtype might be RSAPrivateKey,
RSAPublicKey, PKCS8Key or a different one.


[1] - https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8221271

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