RFR 8223063: Support CNG RSA keys

Weijun Wang weijun.wang at oracle.com
Tue Apr 30 23:18:13 UTC 2019

Please take a look at


Unfortunately, although the new test I added succeeds on my own machine, the "certutil -importPFX" command inside always fail on Mach5 with

   Command line: [certutil -f -v -p changeit -user -importpfx MY ks NoRoot]
   A -- A-7626e24d-46df-4ba0-8880-9866bb1-01966
   A -- A-7626e24d-46df-4ba0-8880-9866bb178ab6
   CertUtil: -importPFX command FAILED: 0x80090029 (-2146893783 NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED)
   CertUtil: The requested operation is not supported.

Maybe there is a permission issue.

I'll study it for more, but If anyone of you can fix it I'll be very happy.


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