[14] RFR JDK-8229243 "SunPKCS11-Solaris provider tests failing on Solaris 11.4"

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at oracle.com
Wed Aug 21 14:32:09 UTC 2019

Thanks for taking this on Valerie. It's a shame to see such confusion 
arise from the new PKCS11 spec.

The changes look fine to me. It'll certainly benefit from widespread 
interoperability testing.


On 16/08/19 00:49, Valerie Peng wrote:
> Anyone has time to help review this fix? PKCS#11 v2.40 has 
> inconsistent definition for CK_GCM_PARAMS struct. The mechanism spec 
> (sec 2..12.3) has:
>     typedef struct CK_GCM_PARAMS {
>         CK_BYTE_PTR       pIv;
>         CK_ULONG          ulIvLen;
>         CK_BYTE_PTR       pAAD;
>         CK_ULONG          ulAADLen;
>         CK_ULONG          ulTagBits;
>     } CK_GCM_PARAMS;
> However, the header file pkcs11t.h has an extra "ulIvBits" field:
>     typedef struct CK_GCM_PARAMS {
>         CK_BYTE_PTR       pIv;
>         CK_ULONG          ulIvLen;
>     *    CK_ULONG          ulIvBits;*
>         CK_BYTE_PTR       pAAD;
>         CK_ULONG          ulAADLen;
>         CK_ULONG          ulTagBits;
>     } CK_GCM_PARAMS;
> Some vendors such OpenHSM2 and Solaris go with the header file while 
> some vendor such as NSS go with the mech spec. Current SunPKCS11 
> provider impl works with NSS but not with other vendors whose 
> CK_GCM_PARAMS struct contains ulIvBits field. Based on testing 
> results, OpenHSM2 and Solaris error out at init time when the 
> parameter length does not have their expected value. Thus, one way to 
> workaround this inconsistency is to re-try with a different structure 
> for AES GCM when the init failed. In addition, given the parameters 
> contains Iv and AAD which some vendor may use during subsequent 
> enc/dec operations, I changed to use the same model as RSASSA-PSS to 
> defer the freeing after the enc/dec operation is finished. Verified 
> the changes on Solaris 11.4 against existing GCM regression tests.
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8229243
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~valeriep/8229243/webrev.00/
> Thanks,
> Valerie

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