RFR 8229958: Provider.getService() scalability issue for legacy algorithms and message digests

Yang, Letu letuyang at amazon.com
Thu Aug 22 00:01:55 UTC 2019


Please review the fix of https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8229958 where I made the change to allow majority of calls don't have to acquire the locks when checking the availability of the Provider object. Similar effort had been made in fixing https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-7092821 , but it only helped the calls for new encryption algorithms. Xin had helped me to upload the CR:  https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~xliu/8229958/01/webrev/ .

I had run tier-1 tests, and also a JMH test to confirm its performance improvement. We have also had it running in a load test environment of an application for a couple of days, and the improvement was confirmed as well.

I have submitted it in core-libs yesterday, but Alan Bateman thought it would be more appropriate to talk about it here.

Best regards,

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