Serialzation PREVIOUSLY: RFR: 8229773: Resolve permissions for code source URLs lazily

Peter Firmstone peter.firmstone at
Fri Aug 23 05:21:23 UTC 2019

I probably should have vetted this before hitting send... let me know if 
you need any clarifications.



On 23/08/2019 12:59 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
> "...since at the time the industry believed that distributed objects 
> were going to save us from complexity.) Many of the sins of 
> serialization were committed in the desire to get that last .1%, but 
> the cost and benefit of that last .1% are woefully out of balance."
> The following are probably a non goals, but something to consider or 
> keep in mind, relating to distributed objects:
> The are three types of distributed objects:
>   1. Immutable value / data Object types.
>   2. Shared Mutable Objects.
>   3. Unshared Mutable Objects.
>   4. Remote Objects / Services (best for managing shared mutable state).
> The second type of distributed object causes much pain and should be 
> discouraged.  The first three types of distributed objects can have 
> class resolution issues, but these are solveable.
> A lot of folks also have problems with deserialization Objects when 
> class visibility is different at both ends, I'm guessing this would be 
> the same for value types.
> For example OSGi folk recommend using primitive parameter types for 
> remote OSGi services.
> RMI annotates streams with codebase annotations.  Jini Extensible 
> Remote Invocation used to do that too.
> The problem with RMI codebase and Jini codebase annotations is if you 
> resolve your classes locally, you lose the codebase annotations, when 
> re-serializing data and because class visibility can be different at 
> different endpoints, end up with all sorts of class resolution 
> issues.  "Class Loading Issues in Java™ RMIand Jini™ Network 
> Technology" by Michael Warres
> The solution of course is simple, ensure that you deserialize into the 
> same module that you serialized from, especially when deserializing in 
> another jvm, so class resolution is identical.
> We serialize a lot of complex object graphs, none are circular.   The 
> module used for serialization should have visiblity of the entire 
> graph of object classes.
> So if we're using OSGi modules, and provide a network / remote service 
> (not to be confused with an OSGi remote service) we ensure the proxy's 
> for these services have the same module installed at the client and 
> server endpoints.  The service is represented by a Java interface and 
> the client makes calls on the interfaces methods.   This interface may 
> be implemented by what is called a smart proxy, which is encapsulated 
> by a module which is dynamically downloaded at runtime, or a 
> reflection Proxy using an InvocationHandler that is generated 
> dynamically.
> We still provide an option for codebase annotations for client 
> parameter objects, where a client subclasses parameter types and pass 
> them to the service, but this is discouraged, it is provided for 
> backward compatibility only.  Where the parameters are also 
> interfaces, the client can implement a remote object and pass it as a 
> parameter instead, in our system, this will cause a module to be 
> loaded in the server identical to that at the client to resolve the 
> remote object classes, without using stream codebase annotations.
> Incidentally, if you're curious how this happens, a proxy is sent {I 
> guess you can call it a serialization proxy :) } and authenticated by 
> the remote end, security constraints applied, then the remote end asks 
> the proxy for a codebase URL,which is loaded into a ClassLoader with 
> controlled visibility, this is extensible using a ServiceProvider or 
> OSGi service, then the proxy is deserialized into this by calling a 
> method on the serialization proxy.
> By limiting scope, we can still have 99% of the benefits of 
> distributed objects, without the pain.
> Incidentally apart from the complexity of class resolution, what 
> really limited distributed computing was IPv4.   IPv6 removes the 
> network addressing limitations placed on distributed computing.
> So I'd make the following qualifications:
>   1. Use only primitive types when serializing between different 
> languages.
>   2. Serialize Java language Object types and primitives only between
>      jvm's when class visibility is uncontrolled.
>   3. When serializing other object types, ensure they are immutable if
>      shared and that class visibility is identical and managed at both
>      endpoints.
>   4. Do not serialize objects whose classes may not be resolveable
>      (when you need to depend on annotated streams and uncontrolled
>      class resolution for example), find another way to solve the 
> problem.
> We've had a 20 years to iron out the wrinkles. :)
> Regards,
> Peter.
> On 23/08/2019 7:36 AM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
>> Hi Sean,
>> Regarding the section entitled "Why not write a new serialization 
>> library?", unlike the serialization libraries listed, our purpose was 
>> to be able to securely deserialize untrusted data, while maintaining 
>> backward serial form compatibility with Java Serialization, provided 
>> it didn't compromise security.
>> We don't use blacklists or whitelists, we use permissions to grant 
>> DeserializationPermission, it doesn't have the granularity of white 
>> lists, but then, classes that implement @AtomicSerial are supposed to 
>> be hardened implementations in any case.
>> If it can be of use, feel free to experiment with it, hopefully it 
>> might help with some of your design decisions:
>> Much of the code on this site provides implementation examples as well.
>> Regards,
>> Peter.
>> On 20/08/2019 7:55 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
>>> Brian Goetz (copied) has done a lot of thinking in the serialization 
>>> area, so I have copied him. Not sure if you have seen it but he 
>>> recently posted a document about some of his ideas and possible 
>>> future directions for serialization: 
>>> --Sean
>>> On 8/17/19 10:22 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
>>>> Thanks Sean,
>>>> You've gone to some trouble to answer my question, which 
>>>> demonstrates you have considered it.
>>>> I donate some time to help maintain Apache River, derived from 
>>>> Sun's Jini.  Once Jini depended on RMI, today, not so much, it 
>>>> still has some dependencies on some RMI interfaces, but doesn't 
>>>> utilise JRMP although it provides some backward compatibilty enable 
>>>> it.
>>>> But my point is, we heavily utilise java Serialization, and have an 
>>>> independant implementation of a subset of Java Serialization 
>>>> (originating from Apache Harmony).  We do this for security as we 
>>>> use an annotated serialization constructor.   Serial form is 
>>>> unchanged, we have Serializers for commonly used java library 
>>>> objects, for example, we have a "PermissionSerializer", but we 
>>>> don't have a "PermissionCollectionSerializer" or 
>>>> "PermissionsSerializer" (for   
>>>> Incidentally, we have found we do not need the ability to serialize 
>>>> circular object graphs.   Throwable is an object that has a 
>>>> circular object graph, but that circular object graph can be linked 
>>>> up after deserialization.
>>>> Permission implementing Serializable is probably not too much of a 
>>>> threat, as these objects are effectively immutable after lazy 
>>>> initialization.
>>>> ProtectionDomain calls 
>>>> during it's construction.
>>>> ProtectionDomain::getPermissions returns internal 
>>>>   If this is serialized, then the 
>>>> readOnly internal state can be written to as the internal object 
>>>> references are accessible from within the stream.
>>>> Admitedly, the attacker would already need to have some privilege, 
>>>> to have access to a ProtectionDomain, so it's a path of privilege 
>>>> escallation.  I'm not talking about gadget attacks and 
>>>> deserialization of untrusted data, I'm talking about breaking 
>>>> encapsulation.
>>>> Even though we are heavily dependant on Java Serialization, we are 
>>>> very careful when we implement it, and avoid implementing it when 
>>>> possible. Hindsight is 20:20, but given we are now seeing some Java 
>>>> SE backward compatibility breakages, perhaps it might be worth 
>>>> considering breaking serialization.  I don't mean we need to 
>>>> necessarily break object serial form, but making the Java 
>>>> serialization API explicit with subset of existing api features, 
>>>> that makes long term maintenace and security less of a burden and 
>>>> removing support for Serialization of some objects, where it is 
>>>> seldom used, perhaps using a JEP that requests developers to 
>>>> consider which library objects actually need to be serializable.
>>>> Something we do in our Java Serialization API is require that 
>>>> mutable deserialized objects are defensively copied during object 
>>>> construction (serial fields are deserialized before an object is 
>>>> constructed, the deserialized fields are accessible via a parameter 
>>>> passed in during construction.   We have tools that assist 
>>>> developers to check deserialized Java Collections contain the 
>>>> expected object types for example, so during object construction 
>>>> the developer has to replace the Collection with a new instance and 
>>>> copy the contents to the new Collection after checking the type of 
>>>> each object contained therein. Also we don't actually serialize 
>>>> Java Collections, we have standard serial forms for List, Set and 
>>>> Map, so these serial forms are equal, similar to the List, Set and 
>>>> Map contracts.  By doing this, Collections don't actually need to 
>>>> implement Serializable at all, as a Serializer becomes responsible 
>>>> for their serialization.   This also means that all Collections 
>>>> must be accessed by interfaces, rather than implementation classes, 
>>>> so the deserialization constructor, must defensively copy them into 
>>>> their preferred Collection instance.   It's a bit like dependency 
>>>> injection.
>>>> I know it would take time, and there would be some pain, but long 
>>>> term it would save a lot of maintenance developer time.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Peter.
>>>> On 17/08/2019 12:50 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
>>>>> On 8/15/19 8:18 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Roger,
>>>>>> +1 for writeReplace
>>>>>> Personally I'd like to see some security classes break backward 
>>>>>> compatibility and remove support for serialization as it allows 
>>>>>> someone to get references to internal objects, especially since 
>>>>>> these classes are cached by the JVM.  Which makes 
>>>>>> PermissionCollection.setReadOnly() very easy to bypass, by adding 
>>>>>> permissions to internal collections once you have a reference to 
>>>>>> them.
>>>>>> Does anyone have any use cases for serializing these objects?
>>>>>> These objects are easy to re-create by sending or recieving and 
>>>>>> parsing strings, because they are built from text based policy 
>>>>>> files, and when you do that, you are validating input, so I never 
>>>>>> did fully understand why they were made serializable.
>>>>> This is briefly explained on page 61 in the "Inside Java 2 
>>>>> Platform Security" book [1]:
>>>>> "The Permission class implements two interfaces: 
>>>>> and For the latter, the 
>>>>> intention is that Permission objects may be transported to remote 
>>>>> machines, such as via Remote Method Invocation (RMI), and thus a 
>>>>> Serializable representation is useful."
>>>>> The Permission class was introduced in Java SE 1.2 so there were 
>>>>> different motivations back then :)
>>>>> --Sean
>>>>> [1]

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