RFR[13] JDK-8225745: NoSuchAlgorithmException exception for SHA256withECDSA with RSASSA-PSS support

Valerie Peng valerie.peng at oracle.com
Wed Jul 3 02:48:11 UTC 2019


Any one can help reviewing this fix? Some ECDSA certificates contains 
signature algorithm identifiers with non-null parameter bytes. Before 
RSASSA-PSS support, these parameter bytes are ignored, however, after 
RSASSA-PSS support, the parameter bytes are passed to the underlying 
signature impl and this breaks the ECDSA certificate verification. In 
order for the verification to succeeds, the SignatureUtil class needs to 
be able to parse the parameter bytes for ECDSA certificate and that 
SunEC provider needs to accept non-null signature parameters.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8225745
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~valeriep/8225745/webrev.00/

Mach5 run is clean.


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