[13] RFR 8226719: Kerberos login to Windows 2000 failed with "Inappropriate type of checksum in message"

Xuelei Fan xuelei.fan at oracle.com
Wed Jul 3 03:28:22 UTC 2019

To make it clearer, I would like to have a brief comment about the 
unkeyed checksum checking as you cited of section 6.1 of RFC 3961, 
probably in Checksum.verifyAnyChecksum() or/and CksumType.verifyChecksum().

  191   if (!cksumEngine.isSafe())
  192      throw new KrbApErrException(Krb5.KRB_AP_ERR_INAPP_CKSUM);

  204   if (!cksumEngine.isSafe()) {
  205       return cksumEngine.verifyChecksum(data, checksum);

  159     public boolean verifyChecksum(byte[] data, byte[] checksum)
  160             throws KrbCryptoException {
  161         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported");
  162     }

I was wondering, if a CksumType object is not safe (!isSafe()) and does 
not implement the verifyChecksum() method, an USPOE will be thrown.  For 
example, I'm not sure if Crc32CksumType.verifyChecksum() could be called 
or not in practice.  Is it better to have CksumType.verifyChecksum() 
returns 'false'?

Otherwise, looks good to me.  Need no more code review from me if you 
have a good reason to keep it as-is, or take the comments above.


On 7/2/2019 6:34 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:
> More justification from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3961#section-6.1:
>    6.1.  Unkeyed Checksums
>     These checksum types use no encryption keys and thus can be used in
>     combination with any encryption type, but they may only be used with
>     caution, in limited circumstances where the lack of a key does not
>     provide a window for an attack, preferably as part of an encrypted
>     message [6].  Keyed checksum algorithms are recommended.
> Here the PA_REQ_ENC_PA_REP is a part of an encrypted message EncKDCRepPart.
> Thanks,
> Max
>> On Jul 2, 2019, at 11:13 AM, Weijun Wang <weijun.wang at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Please take a review at
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/8226719/webrev.00/
>> This happens when authenticating to a Windows 2000 Server using DES encryption type. The PA_REQ_ENC_PA_REP in the reply is using RsaMd5CksumType but it is treated unsafe and rejected.
>> Here, unsafe means un-keyed. While it's unsafe to use it as a standalone checksum but in this case the PA_REQ_ENC_PA_REP is embedded inside EncKDCRepPart which is already encrypted. Therefore an attacker will not be able to modify it without knowing the key. (Please note that when a keyed checksum is used, the key is exactly the same as the one used to encrypt the EncKDCRepPart field).
>> This fix added a new method verifyAnyChecksum() that can verify both a keyed and an un-keyed checksum. The method is currently only used by the PA_REQ_ENC_PA_REP verification.
>> Noreg-hard. Only reproducible when accessing a Windows 2000 Server, which is exactly how our internal SQE test caught it.
>> Thanks,
>> Max

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