RFR 8226338: Updates to Stateless Resumption

Anthony Scarpino anthony.scarpino at oracle.com
Tue Jul 16 04:00:10 UTC 2019

On 7/15/19 7:50 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
>  > http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ascarpino/8226338/webrev.01/
> NewSessionTicket.java
> ---------------------
> -    189    if (m.remaining() < 14) {
> +    189    if (m.remaining() < 9)  { >
> I did not get the point of this update.  I think 14 should be fine so 
> that to fail earlier if no sufficient data.

I will revert it. I'm not going to argue with you about this.. I thought 
it might have provided better debugging.

>   317 public byte[] produce(ConnectionContext context) ...
>   324 public byte[] produce(ServerHandshakeContext shc) ...
>   433 public byte[] produce(PostHandshakeContext hc) ...
> I did not get the point to use three methods here.  Read more inlines, 
> please.

I had decided to separate them because I want multiple instanceOf 
checks, but will merge them.

> On 7/15/2019 4:04 PM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:
>> I've updated the webrev
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ascarpino/8226338/webrev.01/
>> As I need to push this by wednesday, please review it soon.
>> There are fixes for the comments that were made, added a NST for 
>> boundVaules, a very basic test to make sure the post handshake NST is 
>> sent after boundValues have changed.
> Did you mean send a new NST of the boundValues is changed?  What if the 
> previous NST was used for resumption?

Yes.  It is up to the client to manage which NST it uses.  If you want 
some mechanism of keeping track tickets.  It will have to go into 14.



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