RFR[13] JDK-8228403: SignTwice.java failed with java.io.FileNotFoundException: File name too long

sha.jiang at oracle.com sha.jiang at oracle.com
Thu Jul 25 11:48:54 UTC 2019

The Java runtime version of JDK builds may be long, then the path to the 
generated jars, which use this version as part of file name, would be 
too long.
This fix takes the jar names to use Java version, which should be much 

Now, the report table displays the Java versions and the associated 
indices in the JDK list.
Please take a look at the report sample: 

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjiang/8228403/webrev.00/
Issue : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8228403

Best regards,
John Jiang

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