RFR (RFE-13): JDK-8224520: Support X25519 and X448 in TLS

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at oracle.com
Fri Jun 7 18:36:53 UTC 2019

Just noticed a couple things so far:

* CipherSuite.java

1139                 this.allowed = JsseJce.ALLOW_ECC;

Any reason why you don't just pass this in as the value of the allowed 
parameter? Then you don't need to iterate over the array.

* XECParameters.java

2  * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Should retain 2018.


On 6/6/19 4:27 PM, Bradford Wetmore wrote:
> Good morning/afternoon/evening/night,
> This RFE adds TLS protocol versions 1->1.3 support for the x25519/x448 
> curves in the SunJSSE provider.  These algorithms are preferred by many 
> of the major browsers for their efficiency and security properties.
> This work is the natural extension of JDK-8181595/JEP 324[2] which added 
> the RFC 7748 [1] Curve25519 and Curve448 (ECDH) to the Java Crypto 
> Mechanism in JDK 11.
> RFE:     https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8171279
> CSR:     https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8224520
> Webrev:  http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~wetmore/8171279/webrev.00/
> There is a fair amount of change, so the webrevs are hard to follow in 
> spots.  I'll introduce many of the implementation changes here:
> 1.  The JCE design choice of using a parallel set of APIs and Names 
> ECPublicKey/XECPublicKey, KeyExchange.getInstance("EC"/"XDH"), etc. for 
> these curves made things more challenging than expected.
> 2.  The key agreement key derivation code was identically replicated 3 
> times (FFDHE/ECDHE/XDH), so this was consolidated into KAKeyDerivation.
> 3.  NamedGroups were broken out of SupportedGroupsExtension.
> 3a.  Added a function table to do NamedGroup operations in an 
> algorithm-independent and consistent fashion for FFDHE/ECDHE/XDH. Things 
> like checking Constraints, getting parameters, encoding/decoding 
> Possession keys, creating possession, and whether the algorithms are 
> available.
> For example, given a negotiated group:
>      namedGroup->encodePossessionPublicKey->Functions->
>          ((XDHKeyExchange.XDHEPossession)poss).encode()
> Both the ECDHE/XDH functions call into the existing ECDHE code, as they 
> use some of the same underlying structures/messages, which needed to be 
> updated a bit to be algorithm independent.  This is for TLSv1->1.3.
> The FFDHE functions for TLSv1.3 also call into the existing DH code, but 
> I did not update the existing FFDHE code for TLSv1-1.2 to use the 
> function tables since it was not necessary.  If reviewers feel this is 
> desired, I can do this as an enhancement later.
> 4.  Added NamedGroupPossession/NamedGroupCredentials interfaces to make 
> code cleaner/less error prone.
> 5.  The ciphersuite KeyExchanges (K_EC*_*) were updated to reflect that 
> either ECDHE/XDH can be used.
> 6.  Create a new ECDHKeyExchange.ECDHEXDHKAGenerator class to handle 
> creating TLSv1-1.2 KeyDerivations, based on whether it was ECDHE/XDH.
> 7. RFC 8422 (Appendix B) deprecated/removed the TLS_ECDH_* ciphersuites. 
>   Our KeyManager APIs currently do not allow for selecting specific 
> curve entries.  I've made a best effort for supporting client-side ECDH, 
> but we won't support server-side ECDH at this point.  TBD if we'll add 
> support as API changes will be necessary, and not be worth the time if 
> no one should/will be using ECDH.
> 8.  Is there a common byte array reverse function?  Seems so simple, but 
> seems to be duplicated in different modules/packages.
> 9.  A few minor tweaks that helped code readability (typos/comments).  ;)
> Thanks to Adam Petcher, who started work on this project last year.  I 
> took several of his ideas in my final implementation.
> Thanks,
> Brad
> [1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7748
> [2] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8181595

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