RFR: release note for JDK-8218723

Adam Petcher adam.petcher at oracle.com
Mon Mar 18 17:35:45 UTC 2019

A couple of comments:

*) I think it would be helpful to also describe the change using API 
terms, so it is more clear to programmers who may not recognize all the 
crypto terminology. Perhaps: "... will now exclusively use the SunJCE 
Mac service for the underlying pseudorandom function (PRF)."

*) It's labeled RN-IssueFixed, but the text describes a change in 
behavior, not an issue. Maybe add a sentence like: "This change fixes an 
issue where..." Or perhaps use RN-Change, if the purpose of the note is 
to describe the change in behavior.

On 3/18/2019 12:48 PM, Jamil Nimeh wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Can someone give a quick review for the release note for JDK-8218723 
> (the fix for SunJCE PBKDF2 SecretKeyFactories using SunJCE for the 
> underlying PRF)?  Should be really quick.  I have it here:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8220791
> Thanks,
> --Jamil

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