Java SSLSocketChannel/SSLSelector?

Andi Mullaraj andimullaraj at
Sun Mar 24 03:04:55 UTC 2019

Thank you Alan,

I am in awe! If Loom delivers on its promises I see no point continuing
this (or any blocking/async/io) discussion. I think I will open source my

Thanks to all for the feedback,

On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 12:58 AM Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>

> On 09/03/2019 09:35, Andi Mullaraj wrote:
> In light of the previous point, I couldn't disagree more. As it is
> painfully clear, the proposed approach stays within the confines of nio,
> and no duplication is needed (I also hate duplication).
> This is a topic that was explored, and ruled out, in JSR-51 but lead to
> SSLEngine. Yes, SSLEngine has pain points and performance issues and I
> think it would be better to focus on those issues and see how SSLEngine
> could be improved. This would be more beneficial for the eco system today
> as most developers don't use SocketChannels or Selectors directly (those
> APIs tend to be hidden by libraries and frameworks so most developers don't
> see them).
> Also as a reminder is that we are exploring, in Project Loom, ways to make
> it easy to develop simple blocking code that scales as well as code forced
> to asynchronous frameworks today. If we get that right then it should
> eliminate many of the reasons to create further asynchronous or
> non-blocking APIs.
> -Alan
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