RFR 8223482: Unsupported ciphersuites may be offered by a TLS client

Martin Balao mbalao at redhat.com
Mon May 27 21:00:13 UTC 2019

Hi Xuelei,

Thanks to you for raising these concerns and providing your feedback.

On 5/24/19 7:47 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
> Good, I have no further comment for this update.  Please go ahead.
> I think there is a possible improvement by calling
> Cipher.getInstance(algorithm) only one time for each transformation
> algorithm.  But may not worthy as the duplicated transformation
> algorithm number is still small.  I'm fine if you want to leave it as it
> is.

Yes, I agree on both statements: there can be an improvement there but
it won't be significant. Here it's Webrev.02:

 * http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mbalao/webrevs/8223482/8223482.webrev.02/

At Webrev.02, Cipher.getInstance results are cached so we don't need to
create instances unnecessary.

Benchmarks do not show any significant performance increase nor decrease
compared to Webrev.01:

Benchmark                                      (testMode)   Mode  Cnt
 Score     Error  Units
SupportedCiphersuites.test_TLS12Communication        FIPS  thrpt   10
167.393 ±  35.659  ops/s
SupportedCiphersuites.test_TLS12Communication    NON_FIPS  thrpt   10
593.441 ± 110.044  ops/s

FIPS_with_8223482_webrev02.txt average: 396.86
NON_FIPS_with_8223482_webrev02.txt average: 888.05

Are you okay to go with Webrev.02?

Kind regards,

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