RFR 8215032: Support Kerberos cross-realm referrals (RFC 6806)

Martin Balao mbalao at redhat.com
Tue May 28 18:20:54 UTC 2019

Hi Max,

Thanks for your feedback.

Here it's Webrev.03:

 * http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mbalao/webrevs/8215032/8215032.webrev.03/


 * msgType is now private

 * Check in CredentialsUtil.java removed (always true)

 * "PrincipalName cSname = (PrincipalName) sname.clone();" not necessary

 * In CredentialsUtils.java, I added comments to methods "serviceCreds",
"serviceCredsReferrals" and "serviceCredsSingle". I'll keep the "single"
suffix but if there is a better one, we can change it. Hopefully this is
clearer with the comments now and removing the unnecessary "if".

 * "new PrincipalName(oldName.getNameString().replace..., newRealm)"

Regression testing in "jdk/sun/security/krb5" passed.

On 5/24/19 9:23 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:
>> 1)
>> src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/sun/security/krb5/KrbAsReqBuilder.java:
>> * When NT-ENTERPRISE names are used, a "@" char can be part of the name
>> and we should not interpret it as a realm separator. If we don't escape,
>> we may be missing part of the name when building a new PrincipalName.
>> The exact place where this happens is in PrincipalName.parseName function.
> Is the character already escaped in the oldName? How about just changing
>   new PrincipalName(oldName.getNameString().replace..., newRealm)
> to
>   new PrincipalName(oldName.getNameStrings(), newRealm)

Yes, this should be fine. Addressed in Webrev.03.

> It is also called by getTGTforRealm(). Is this for RFC 6806 "9.  Cross-Realm Routing"?

No, getTGTforRealm is part of the cross-realm operation described by RFC
4120. If we need to get a TGS for a service which is in a different
realm than the TGT we have, we first ask for a TGT on the service's
realm (using the original TGT) and then we ask for the TGS. The service
realm is determined by previous configurations and heuristics.

My understanding is that getTGTforRealm is never needed when following
RFC 6806 cross-realm referrals because the referral TGT we use for the
next query is always for the next realm we are going to ask (the
"service's realm"). That's how I see both things working together. A
comment was added to "serviceCredsSingle" method explaining this.

Kind regards,

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