RFR: 8231222: fix pkcs11 P11_DEBUG guarded native traces

Baesken, Matthias matthias.baesken at sap.com
Thu Sep 19 14:27:59 UTC 2019

Hello, please reviews this fix of the  pkcs11  native  tracing    ( P11_DEBUG guarded native traces ).
I had enabled it  to look into   a issue  with pkcs11 not working on  a recently patched Linux system .
But noticed  that the traces did not work any more (probably mostly because  of   changed compilers  and related warning levels ).

With  this change I could  successfully   again  for run on Linux  with traces enabled .

(see pkcs11wrapper.h   P11_DEBUG )

Maybe it would make sense to always  compile  with tracing enabled , and make the trace  depend  on a system property, what do you think ?   (but this would be a separate change) .

Bug/webrev :



Best regards, Matthias
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