8245686: Ed25519 and Ed448 present in handshake messages

Anthony Scarpino anthony.scarpino at oracle.com
Wed Jun 10 04:09:08 UTC 2020

Thanks for the comment.. I moved the code up toward the top.


On 6/9/20 4:04 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
> A simple fix like this looks good to me.  I may check this first, before 
> the EC available and signature checking.
> Xuelei
> On 6/9/2020 3:12 PM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I need a code review of this very simple change for a situation that 
>> I'm not sure is a problem in the real world.
>> The original TLS 1.3 putback added EdDSA to the TLS signature 
>> extensions enumeration before there was an EdDSA JCE implementation or 
>> JSSE support.  Without an implementation, a signature checks would not 
>> include EdDSA for TLS extensions, signature_algorithms and 
>> signature_algorithm_cert.  Now with JCE EdDSA support, the signature 
>> check adds EdDSA to the extension, despite JSSE not having support yet 
>> (JDK-8166596).  This causes a signature scheme authentication failure, 
>> and JSSE moves onto the next certificate provided.
>> The only time this is a problem is if EdDSA is the only cert provided. 
>> I'm not sure how realistic it is for one certificate to be provided.  
>> If someone knows multiple certificates are always available, I'm happy 
>> to not make this change.
>> The fix is a simple check in the constructor to set the curves 
>> unavailable after the signature check.  This code can be deleted when 
>> JDK-8166596 is fixed in jdk16.  I had thought about commenting out the 
>> enums, but then the logging code would not know what the id's were 
>> when other clients and servers passed them to JSSE.
>> https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ascarpino/8245686/webrev/
>> Tony

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