OpenJDK11u: Backward incompatible behavior

Xuelei Fan at
Wed Mar 4 18:23:24 UTC 2020


   54     // Cache for incomplete input record.
   55     private ByteBuffer inputBuffer = null;
This variable is used for record body, I may use a instinctive name, for 
example recordBody.

Otherwise, looks good to me.

I think, for performance, it may be possible to reuse this buffer for 
multiple records.  I'd appreciate if you want to make an improvement in 
this update as well.


On 3/2/2020 7:17 AM, Alexey Bakhtin wrote:
> Hello Xuelei,
> Could you please review new version of the patch :
> I did not find any reasons for such getSession() behaviour. This code 
> seems exists since initial TLSv1.2 implementation. As you suggested, 
> I’ve changed getSession() to throw InterruptedIOException. It makes 
> changes in and much simple.
> I also updated inputBuffer implementation to use ByteBuffer. It stores 
> incoming data to handle socket timeouts and cleared after record is 
> processed.
> Thank you
> Alexey
>> On 29 Feb 2020, at 03:24, Xuelei Fan < at 
>> < at>> wrote:
>> > Webrev JDK11:
>> > getSession() method is implemented identically to JDK8, so it's
>> > behaviour is backward compatible to JDK8
>> I know, but I would like to see if there is really a compatibility 
>> impact if the getSession() is consistent with other IO operations.  We 
>> could fix the problem later if there is a need.
>> > I may try to catch the InterruptedIOException, rather than handle it
>> > in the IOException catching block or the Exception catching block.
>> try {
>>   ...
>> } catch (Exception e) {
>>   if (e instanceof ... ) {
>>       ...
>>   } else (e instanceof ...) {
>>       ...
>>   }
>> }
>> vs
>> try {
>> } catch (AException e) {
>>   ...
>> } catch (IOException e) {
>>   ...
>> } catch (Exception e) {
>>   ...
>> }
>> the later is the common coding style
>> SSLSocketInputRecord:
>>  52     private byte[] inputBuffer = new byte[maxRecordSize];
>> Would you mind consider an improvement to use less memory?
>> If you have webrev for JDK 15, I could help to run more testing for you.
>> Thanks,
>> Xuelei
>> On 2/27/2020 9:05 AM, Alexey Bakhtin wrote:
>>> Hello Xuelei,
>>> You are right, method could be 
>>> interrupted before all requested data is received.
>>> I have updated  SSLSocketInputRecord class to use single buffer for 
>>> incoming data. Also I’ve updated read() method to take into account 
>>> every chunk of incoming data. It should prevent possible loss of data 
>>> if socket timed out.
>>> Webrev JDK11:
>>> Tested with sun/security/ssl and javax/net/ssl jtreg tests
>>> Thank you
>>> Alexey
>>>> On 27 Feb 2020, at 01:04, Xuelei Fan < at 
>>>> < at> < at>> wrote:
>>>> > Webrev for JDK15 :
>>>> For the update, is it possible that the 
>>>> read() implementation interrupted before reading the exact specified 
>>>> bytes of data?  The received data may be lost if it is interrupted.
>>>> BTW, it might not be effective to use three fields to store the 
>>>> data, temporary, header and inputBuffer.  Is it possible to use just 
>>>> one buffer (temporary, for example) and one integer to remember the 
>>>> received data length?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Xuelei
>>>> On 2/26/2020 4:22 AM, Alexey Bakhtin wrote:
>>>>> Hello Xuelei,
>>>>> Thank you for review.
>>>>> getSession() method is implemented identically to JDK8, so it's 
>>>>> behaviour is backward compatible to JDK8
>>>>> I have updated review with some modifications:
>>>>> 1) Enabled sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ jtreg 
>>>>> test. This test emulates socket timeout during handshake and app 
>>>>> data transfer.
>>>>> 2) I have added cache for incoming data received from socket 
>>>>> ( class). Socket timeout could 
>>>>> happen while reading single handshake message by small chunks. It 
>>>>> is implemented similarly to JDK8 and allows to pass 
>>>>> sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ClientTimeout test
>>>>> 3) I have added SocketTimeoutException handling into 
>>>>> sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ jtreg 
>>>>> test. This test also verifies SocketExceptions during handshake.
>>>>> Webrev for JDK11 :
>>>>> Webrev for JDK15 :
>>>>> Tested with sun/security/ssl and javax/net/ssl jtreg tests
>>>>> Thank you
>>>>> Alexey
>>>>>> On 25 Feb 2020, at 19:42, Xuelei Fan < at 
>>>>>> < at> < at>> wrote:
>>>>>>> JDK11 webrev:
>>>>>> Maybe, the getSession() could throw InterruptedIOException as well.
>>>>>> I may try to catch the InterruptedIOException, rather than handle 
>>>>>> it in the IOException catching block.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Xuelei
>>>>>> On 2/24/2020 11:04 AM, Alexey Bakhtin wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Xuelei,
>>>>>>> Thank you. It would be glad if you can review this fix.
>>>>>>> The patch almost cleanly applied to JDK15.
>>>>>>> Also, As Kumar mentioned, the patch does not include regression test.
>>>>>>> I’m going to add regression test and patch for JDK15 tomorrow.
>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>> Alexey
>>>>>>>> On 24 Feb 2020, at 21:41, Xuelei Fan < at 
>>>>>>>> < at> < at>> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Alexey,
>>>>>>>> Thanks for working on this issue.  Do you plan to fix it for JDK 
>>>>>>>> 15, the current JDK reposiroty?
>>>>>>>> I need more time for evaluate the fix.  For example, I'm not 
>>>>>>>> sure if we could always throw InterruptedIOException to 
>>>>>>>> applications, even for getSession().
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Xuelei
>>>>>>>> On 2/24/2020 7:58 AM, Alexey Bakhtin wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> I have been working on this issue for some time already.
>>>>>>>>> The patch below adds handling 
>>>>>>>>> during TLS handshake negotiation. This functionality seems to 
>>>>>>>>> have been missed during the TLSv1.3 implementation ( JDK-8196584 )
>>>>>>>>> Tested with JDK11 and higher.
>>>>>>>>> JDK11 webrev:
>>>>>>>>> jbs: and 
>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>> Alexey
>>>>>>>>>> On 22 Feb 2020, at 15:00, 
>>>>>>>>>> security-dev-request at 
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:security-dev-request at> 
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:security-dev-request at> 
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:security-dev-request at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I will look into the issue.
>>>>>>>>>> BTW, I closed JDK-8239788 as duplicate of JDK-8239798.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Xuelei
>>>>>>>>>> On 2/21/2020 9:24 AM, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi security-folk,
>>>>>>>>>>> At VMware while upgrading our application to OpenJDK11u, we have
>>>>>>>>>>> encountered what seems to be a serious behavior issue.
>>>>>>>>>>> The issue AFAICT seems to have stemmed from the work for 
>>>>>>>>>>> TLS1.3 and
>>>>>>>>>>> JDK-8196584 <>.
>>>>>>>>>>> Overview:
>>>>>>>>>>> With OpenJDK11 the end-points are closed immediately with TLS 
>>>>>>>>>>> alerts
>>>>>>>>>>> raised when an exception is received.
>>>>>>>>>>> This is not the case with JDK8 the socket is not closed 
>>>>>>>>>>> allowing retries.
>>>>>>>>>>> I have filed: JDK-8239798 (with a reproducer), this issue was 
>>>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>>> reported ?to Azul and they have filed: JDK-8239788.
>>>>>>>>>>> Can you please evaluate this at the earliest, this is a 
>>>>>>>>>>> serious show
>>>>>>>>>>> stopper for VMware.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank
>>>>>>>>>>> Kumar Srinivasan
>>>>>>>>>>> VMware

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