Possible regression in JDK 14 related to SSLSessionContext / SSLSession on the server side

Jamil Nimeh jamil.j.nimeh at oracle.com
Mon Mar 30 15:58:25 UTC 2020

For what it's worth, I tried with the latest JDK using SSLSockets on the 
server side and I'm (so far) not able to reproduce it with my local test 
utilities.  Unfortunately I don't have an engine-based simple server 
handy so I'll give Norman's reproducer a spin and see what happens.


On 3/30/2020 5:31 AM, Norman Maurer wrote:
> Hey Sean,
> There is not much to share as its just a simple handshake :)
> Anyway here is a reproducer:
> https://github.com/normanmaurer/jdk_ssl_session_context_reproducer
> It basically does nothing more then complete the handshake and then 
> calling engine.getSession().getSessionContext() which will return null 
> on the server side since JDK 14 (earlier versions work).
> I tested it with TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 and both times it produced the 
> error on JDK 14.
> Bye
> Norman
>> On 30. Mar 2020, at 13:22, Seán Coffey <sean.coffey at oracle.com 
>> <mailto:sean.coffey at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> Looks interesting Norman. Do you want to share some more details 
>> about the peculiarities of this handshake before considering a fully 
>> fledged testcase ?
>> regards,
>> Sean.
>> On 27/03/2020 12:48, Norman Maurer wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I am just about to add JDK14 to the test matrix for netty and think 
>>> I found a regression. Before I will invest time to write a 
>>> standalone reproducer please let me know if you think this is a 
>>> regression or not.
>>> Basically after the handshake is complete 
>>> SSLEngine.getSession().getSessionContext() returns null on the 
>>> serverside when using JDK14. Running the same test with any previous 
>>> version (JDK13 and earlier) doesn’t show the same result.
>>> Does this sounds like a regression and if so should I provide a 
>>> standalone reproducer here ?
>>> Bye
>>> Norman
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