[CSR RFR] 8242068: Signed JAR support for RSASSA-PSS and EdDSA

Anthony Scarpino anthony.scarpino at oracle.com
Tue May 19 18:03:07 UTC 2020

On 5/19/20 2:43 AM, Weijun Wang wrote:
> Please review the CSR at
>     https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8245274
> The most arguable is the new block extension names. I drafted "PSS" for "RSASSA-PSS", and "EDD" for "EdDSA", since the old extension names never exceeded 3 letters. If we do not care about this, we can just make them "RSASSA-PSS" and "EdDSA". We've always treated the extension name in a case-insensitive way but this needs some debugging.

Is the block file extension just the old FAT 8.3 filename format?  Is 
there something requiring we have an extension or that it be three or 
fewer?  I'd prefer we just have no extension, or if having some 
extension make sense, I'd prefer the full name.

> Another thing I haven't mentioned in the CSR is about using `-sigalg RSASSA-PSS` for an RSA key. The hashAlgorithm and maskGenAlgorithm of the PSS parameters will be determined by the key size of the key, i.e.
>      // Same values for RSA and DSA
>      private static String ifcFfcStrength (int bitLength) {
>          if (bitLength > 7680) { // 256 bits
>              return "SHA512";
>          } else if (bitLength > 3072) {  // 192 bits
>              return "SHA384";
>          } else  { // 128 bits and less
>              return "SHA256";
>          }
>      }
> and it's not adjustable. I don't know what the best place is for this info.

Does that make it different than other algorithms that require the 
parameters to be set?  It sounds like something for the man page and 
treated as a doc update in the CSR if I understand the situation correctly.


> Thanks,
> Max

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